Free Responsive Landing Pages Again!


Junior Member
Jan 30, 2012
Reaction score
No one took me up on the offer of a free landing page last time i posted so ill give it another shot!

I'm looking to start doing some work freelance so why not start by giving something free away to this awesome community!

If I get any replies ill choose someone at random!

Josh :)
If you're interested in doing a local business landing page, I'll take you up on the offer.

Note though, that I don't automatically provide 'amazing' reviews - I'll just review your service honestly :)
i would be down for this,
im looking for some good CLickbank squeeze pages

hi add me on skype im also interested in the possibility of a long term contract if you do good work.
I'll take one and will leave an honest review, if the work is great then expect a great review, if not then you probably don't want to pick me. ;)