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Junior Member
Aug 20, 2009
Reaction score
Well guys I found another cracked program that works well for this but I don't want to get banned for it. hopefully A jr replies and has my back, and lets me to post the program along with the crack, its a working program 100%. OK GUYS IM GOING TO AHEAD AND POST IT, TOOK ME A WHILE TO LEARN HOW TO USE IT BUT ONCE YOU MASTER IT, THEN YOUR PRETTY MUCH ON YOUR WAY. IT'S AWSUM, FRIEND REQUEST, PROFILE COMMENTOR, VIDEO COMMENTER, PRETTY MUCH EVERYTHING. Now to install it go here


After you download it you will have to type in a backlink because thats how the gay site works, luckily I was able to surpass it with this working backlink


Once you have done that then your pretty much on your own way to master the program, I've sent plenty of friend request and ratings to my own vids, it always rates 5 stars, BUT YOU NEED TO ADD YOUR OWN ACCOUNTS FOR IT TO WORK. Thats what I like. So for all you quick learners, please be quick to master it and post an honest open review. ACCOUNTS MUST BE LOADED UP LIKE THIS SO THE PROGRAM CAN ACCEPT IT username;password NOT username:password like the way your use to, make sure its the ";" not the ":"
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Did you verify if it was on the Do Not Share list?
Hey Can we have the program!
i really like your finds

Well the program is called Tuberobo, if someone can verify that its not on the "share list" then I'll post up instructions on how to install it with crack.
Well the program is called Tuberobo, if someone can verify that its not on the "share list" then I'll post up instructions on how to install it with crack.

Hi I think you can post it here as I didn't find it in "don't share list". the other two programs which you can't share are:-

  1. Tube Booster
  2. Tube Spinner
Well guys I found another cracked program that works well for this but I don't want to get banned for it. hopefully A jr replies and has my back, and lets me to post the program along with the crack, its a working program 100%. OK GUYS IM GOING TO AHEAD AND POST IT, TOOK ME A WHILE TO LEARN HOW TO USE IT BUT ONCE YOU MASTER IT, THEN YOUR PRETTY MUCH ON YOUR WAY. IT'S AWSUM, FRIEND REQUEST, PROFILE COMMENTOR, VIDEO COMMENTER, PRETTY MUCH EVERYTHING. Now to install it go here


After you download it you will have to type in a backlink because thats how the gay site works, luckily I was able to surpass it with this working backlink


Once you have done that then your pretty much on your own way to master the program, I've sent plenty of friend request and ratings to my own vids, it always rates 5 stars, BUT YOU NEED TO ADD YOUR OWN ACCOUNTS FOR IT TO WORK. Thats what I like. So for all you quick learners, please be quick to master it and post an honest open review. ACCOUNTS MUST BE LOADED UP LIKE THIS SO THE PROGRAM CAN ACCEPT IT username;password NOT username:password like the way your use to, make sure its the ";" not the ":"

Please read the instructions first before you post. You need to scan the file through
and post your results here in this thread before you post it...

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Please read the instructions first before you post. You need to scan the file through
and post your results here in this thread before you post it...


I didn't get no viruses from avira antivir. Then again it's a free antivirus so it may be weak scanner. The only reason I posted it is because it worked for me and I'm willing to post a tut video if it's really that hard for everyone. You might be using an advanced antivirus program better than avira if you detected something.
ban this cake, he could post the original site, witch need to acctivated a backlink to any of ur pages even a blog, and he post virus

ban this cake, he could post the original site, witch need to acctivated a backlink to any of ur pages even a blog, and he post virus


The original site? so you would prefer buying it? The only way to get it is to provide a backlink and when you try to do it on their site it will say it's "invalid" and only works when you have the program downloaded first, then it will accept the backlink, yeah and please ban me. I must be an awful person trying to help out, but fuck it. Ask for the viruscan results, it's not my fault theres a bunch of virus phobes here, all I do is run a weekly scan with avira and my computer still breathes, but man if it was going to lead to such an exaggeration in the first place then I never should have posted. Nomore help, I don't want to be blamed for anything else, and now I won't have to help by giving my special 1k views in 20 hours technique. If I really wanted to give you all viruses I wouldn't be sending you the easy to detect bulls@#$, but it's just a program, go ahead and uninstall it and don't use it at all if you don't trust me. Better for me so I don't have to help out, and the site is called, I'm sure a 3 year old would of figured that out, but ok there it is. BAN ME :D
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i tried dis software, installed allright but the program kept crashing so uninstalled it.
How to import accounts for ratings?
Like this-- username : password ?

And do i need to use proxies for this software?
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