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Free 1000 Views and Free Subcribers


Oct 19, 2009
Reaction score
Hey everyone, I thought a way for free were we all can get subs and views.
I made a new place were you post your channels or vids. Now when you see a channel or video, just check it out and rate or do whatever. Same applies for Channels, soon as you a post join the Subtrain.
Think about it , its 1000s here daily, so if you want to do this
http://www.youtubesubworld.com and post your channel or vid.
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This worked out perfect im already getting subscribers doing this method
Also, if you look at the bottom, i have 5,000 unquie hits on there. Its a method a used by getting youtube traffic. once you go there you will see how its done.

Just look in the general section and you will see my tricks how i get the traffic
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