Forum profiles - Some not getting indexed


Feb 3, 2010
Reaction score
I wanted some of your thoughts on some of my forum profiles which just aren't getting indexed.

I have noticed this particularly with the SMF platform. Note I have fully spun bio's and there is no difference between the profiles getting indexed and the ones that arent!

I also know that Google is seeing and reading the page, because instead of indexing my actual profile page, at the end of the profile, it is going through to the 'latest posts' and 'stats' pages of the member and indexing them! So it is indexing them but not indexing the profile page at all!

Also I can throw numerous links at them, and eventually it does seem they will get indexed, however I was just wondering if anyone else has been experiencing similar?

My time is probably better spent creating new profiles and getting them indexed, however thought I would ask the question anyway.
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Which tool are you using to determine if the links have been indexed?
Could you please list at least one forum on which your profiles didn't get indexed? I want to investigate this.
You know, Just because the links themselves are not indexed, does not mean google has not crawled them, nor does it mean that google does not count that as a backlink to your page.

A backlink page itself does not need to be indexed. Why should it be? It provides no content for Google users. It has no information that anyone could possibly search for in google, therefore why would Google index it? Google is all about the end user searching and receiving what he wants and needs, not about SEO's getting every page possible indexed.

If I were you, I would be happy enough with what you have achieved. Sometimes my profiles get indexed, sometimes they don't but I always see an increase in SERP's. And that's what you should be looking for aswell.
I wanted some of your thoughts on some of my forum profiles which just aren't getting indexed.

I have noticed this particularly with the SMF platform. Note I have fully spun bio's and there is no difference between the profiles getting indexed and the ones that arent!

I also know that Google is seeing and reading the page, because instead of indexing my actual profile page, at the end of the profile, it is going through to the 'latest posts' and 'stats' pages of the member and indexing them! So it is indexing them but not indexing the profile page at all!

Also I can throw numerous links at them, and eventually it does seem they will get indexed, however I was just wondering if anyone else has been experiencing similar?

My time is probably better spent creating new profiles and getting them indexed, however thought I would ask the question anyway.

If you ping your profile links, then it should be ok bro ;)

Your profile link will be indexed with that method
  1. Go to
  2. Take all your profile urls & make a big feed of it.
  3. Blast your feed and submit to rss aggregators and social bookmarks.
  4. ???
  5. Profit

Could you point me to a decent numbered list of RSS aggregators? Or a way to find them? Thank you.
Yes, it's not easy to get them indexed. Pinging is not enough. That's why there's backlink express but now it doesn't work as people have overused it. Only way is to build your own links. Carl Rino recommends building your own network to build links to these profiles automatically.
Pinging is absolutely not enough dude...and it is tough get ranked...