Forced phone verification by fb


Supreme Member
May 22, 2009
Reaction score
Hi every one today we tried to make some accounts on fb. Seems like they are forcing you to enter your mobile number now. Ones you fill in the name email and stuff and after you do image verification they will want you to add your phone number to it. Has any one else seen this issue as well?

This is awful will make things even more hard and if any ones knows work around of this problem ples tell me

Thanks a lot

This is not happening to me, I'm from Italy though, so maybe it's a different story. Maybe it's a kind of automatic security check on your IP (assuming you're using always the same IP).
I already facing same problem. But its no problem. Just use proxy. problem solved.
I haven't seen it and I hope I don't because if they do that like Google did last year... Hopefully it's related to the proxies your using.