Follow Liker Question


Junior Member
Apr 9, 2015
Reaction score
I recently had to switch follow liker to a new comp & realized in the settings under general where it says how many accounts to proxy it had been on 1 even though i've been using 3 accounts to each proxy. When i switched it to 3 I got a couple security pop ups which I was surprised by. I run around 50 accounts so i'm not sure if there was any real problem w/ it being set to 1 account per proxy as its been this way for months now but a little on edge about the security stuff that popped up. Any advice?
The fast change in proxies is what caused the errors. For instance, IG phone verification works to prevent stolen accounts and such. If I live in Europe and I suddenly log in 600km away, this will be suspicious to IG and they will send me phone verification to see if it's really me. I never change account's IPs, because of that. Stick to one setting and go with it.