Follow block all the time??


Junior Member
Sep 10, 2016
Reaction score
I recently noticed that i get like follow block every day on at least one of my accounts. I really dont know why.
I started of very low like 40-50follows and increased every day about 40.
And even accounts that have followed long time now without problem (400/day) getting follow block now!
So whats goin on there, can u think of an explanation?
Add some fake followers to the account worth a try then see what happens , the larger the accound the more ppl want to join.

Or you have hit niches not popular any more or gone dead....
That's because twitter has security features now which look for unnatural activity. Ask yourself, do you have your accounts set up doing things that a real person would do? Real people don't just follow and unfollow, they also like/favorite, send messages and other things. Make it so your accounts behave like a real person and I guarantee you won't have this problem anymore. I had my twitter accounts getting blocked every day until I turned on the favorites/like module in massplanner and now it's been weeks without any blocks.
You just have to act more "human" with your accounts. idk how old your accs actually are, but try to pause them after 5-10 days of following people. Also add a sleep time to each of your accounts. this worked fine for me.
These are my settings:
every account : follow between 6am and 12pm.
old accounts : around 400follows/day and increase every day with 40.

Maybe you are right and it looks like too static when they all do the exact same..
There are scripts out there that you can setup on free hosting that you can load up a months worth of Tweets as a task, this is a good way to keen an account active without needing to check on it, all it takes is an hour to setup.