First $1,000 at 16! :)


Nov 12, 2011
Reaction score
Hey guys just wanted to say thank you for inspiring me to act and that I've just reached my thousand dollar mark yesterday!

What worked for me was a simple basic 1-page HTML website with a single advertisement on it.

I advertised my website for around 2-3 hours daily on tons of forums/Yahoo Answers and managed to create a small internet "buzz" around it. (After a while actual people started posting it on forums... They were doing the advertising for me!)
I've had this idea for a long time and actually made around $300 with it on Adsense, but they banned my website telling me that they don't allow one-page websites or websites with no content (something like that.) I still got payed though!! ;)
Just recently I've read about other PPC networks that don't have such harsh rules and I decided to try again. This time I didn't get banned and I've made a little over $1,000 in one month.

I'm not going to post my method since I still hope to make more money with it, perhaps in the months to come I will decide to share.

I just wanted to post this so I can inspire other people and say that you don't need to invest hundreds of dollars to make money online, all I did was buy a .com domain from Godaddy!
Just find your unique idea, be original, believe in it, and the money will come. Don't just copy step by step guides that are around here, the guide's purpose is to inspire you... don't follow it like a blind man.
I've learned that you ALWAYS need to have your very own original twist to money making methods, or even better - an original idea. Trust me when I say this, there are still so many online money making ideas that no one has ever thought of. So if you've got an idea follow through with it!

Thanks for reading!

P.S: Sorry for my English, it is not my native tongue.
Good for you! Now try to make it as automated as possible and make another site with same method :) rinse and repeat while you can!
Congratz mate! Would love to get to the stage of earning $1000/month.
(After a while actual people started posting it on forums... They were doing the advertising for me!)

This is the best part. That's how you're rewarded when you create high quality stuff that actually help people. Congrats on your success mate!
Good job man, keep it up. I wish i'd have gotten into this when I was 16. Nonetheless, scale it up. Obviously, you're already able to think outside the box & take action.
Fantastic! I'm Glad to hear more success at a young age! I started SEM / SEO / IM when I was 16 and made my first 2500 by 18 so I feel you man!

Great! I made my first $2000 when I was 16 as well. Though I never got banned from adwords, even though I had a single one page website with less than 100 words. Perhaps that was because it only fetched like $74 before I sold it, but anyway! Great job!
awesome job!!! I wish I knew about this stuff when I was younger I would be so rich (or arrested) LOL.

Keep up the good work now work for your aim for your first $1,000.00 in oneday-- then go for 2,000.

Sounds crazy- but if you make it your goal you will hit it. Best of luck to you!!
Congratulations on your success. I wish I was motivated to make money online at 16 :)
Congratulations. $1k is a lot, especially at your age. Spend them well :)

You dont mind sharing the PPC networks you used? You can hit me a pm if you have time over!
Congratulation on your success!! Hang in there and keep working at your game plan. :)
Congratulations, Yahoo Answers has worked for me in the past - maybe look to outsource the posting.
I am guessing the website had some sort of internet tool on it...?

Anyways congrats. I am also 16 and pull in about 1k a month. My recommendation would be to try and advertise with CPA instead of won't get paid by the click but if you can find something closely related your earnings could get huge. Then again, if you are tricking the users (the ad looks like part of the site or something) then PPC is probably the only thing that will work.

Best of luck!