Fake it till you make it (UserAgent, Javascript stats, Browser-Version)


Aug 3, 2010
Reaction score
I just thought about a easy method to gain many bucks a day... 100$ or even more shouldnt be a problem! If you help me to solve the problems i will share the whole tactic with you and make a foolproof Tutorial for all BHW Members.

Im not sharing my tactic now cause i have to work out 1 or 2 more steps but im near to completion of the master plan and i dont want people to make cash by using my ideas while im not able to do it myself. Anyways, the method in my mind cant get saturated so everybody who is willing to do this will make money out of this!

I got many great ideas how to get this gooing and running for a very long time without getting busted. Believe me, its very well thought and straight out of the box! I just dont have enough technical knowledge to do it right now.

The information i need from you is:

How to fake the whole package of trackable Information?

I know the Networks are capable of tracking these informations: IP-Adress, Browser & Version, installed Plug-ins and the version number of these, Screen Resolution, installed OS, Hardware Information, Cookies, Flash Cookies and many other things. Browser-Fingerprint is the correct word i guess.

If JavaScript is turned off only the User Agent, Referrer and IP-Adress are trackable. If im wrong please tell me!

I really need your help on this one. How could we fake all this by using the same Hardware?

I know there is a UserAgent Changer Plugin for Firefox. But i dont know if the delivered information from this Plugin matches the real respondings from the different Browsers. I guess it doesnt, does it?

I thought about virtual machines with many different Browsers installed but i guess that the used hardware will still be trackable. Even if the real hardware couldnt be found out by using VMs they will still be able to recognize the virtual Hardware (which is the same on each VM you run i guess)

So... How to fake the trackable Information by using only one Personal Computer?

Please dont flame or judge over the method right now. The method i got on my mind isnt as crappy as you might think! I would think that the idea is crap too if i had to judge on the information and questions ive posted in this thread.

But it is not - It really is brilliant if the technical problems are solved.

Believe me or not but i hope you will help (and finally profit)

Kind regards Web-Hobo777
why dont you just read some more and contribute something before you ask a million questions
IMO instead of doing so much study on how you can fake, why not simply read somethign about CPA and do it legitimately coz fake leads or fake traffic wont sustain for long. As soon as the network sees no conversions, they gonna boot you.
It only works with offers which rely on free sign up/registration - data mining. It will not work if the Merchant wants the money of the users by dooing premium sign ups and things like that.

likeskoolaid, i have read many stuff but i havnt found the information i asked for. I will contribute the whole method as a step by step tutorial.
If I'm doing something Blackhat with an offer, then what I do is create a Landing Page or a Meta Refresh Page.

Tiny URL'd Hiding Referrer Link > Landing Page/Meta Refresh > Offer Site Page

As I've said many times, I'm not a fan of flaming, so I really hope that above helps. If you still don't understand it, PM me.

By the way, the method above is for Blackhat, but is quite common in whitehat activities - whether you use a Landing Page or a Meta Refresh page really comes down to whether your Network approves of it.
at the month end if there is no conversion from your leads, the chances of getting ban by CPA network is very high.
solar2010, Even if only free services are used like submit email and adress from real people and get a dollar or two ?

soricel, thanks for the hint! i will have a look at fastvisit! If anybody got experience with this tool - it would be really nice to hear if its working like it should!

lynNHS, thanks for your reply but i know how to this. Im talking about a tool or service that really fakes a whole pc system. A random pc faker for example.
Web-Hobo777, calm down, that comment is just a small advice ;)
yes, even free email submits ( a certain % of them) supposed to make money at the network/merchant side.
If you send them fake registrations, - which i believe is your plan- you will burn their money. In theory, cos you will not be paid.
100% fake registrations=100% ban.
I wouldnt bother with filling out your own form. Lead fraud isnt worth the time or effort. youll have to do more work than its worth and you might get banned anyways. Youll have to use proxies....youl need multiple browser versions.....youll need a few different PCs with different OS....youll also need to keep changing your screen resolution....IMO its too much work and the possible rewards arent greater than the risks..

i mean think about how long this would take for a few little $1.50 email submits... start up your dual boot pc in xp mode...use proxy...use 1024x768 res....fill out offer.....restart pc in dual boot Vista mode ...change to 1280x1024 res ...use IE this time instead of mozilla...use a different proxy......

too much of a hassle for only a few dollars....when your cpa network shaves sometime remember all that work for nothing lol..

BTW webhobo777 you seem like a cool person. i dont want this post to sound offernsive or anything :cool:
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likesschoolaid, you have no place telling someone here that they need to contribute otherwise their questions are invalid...