Facebook Vs. Twitter Vs. Websites

blackhat master

Junior Member
Nov 5, 2007
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just finished reading about facebook apps for fanpages, It definately makes me feel like facebook has a lot of oppertunities, Infact most business (Atleast Local ones: ) would never need a website if they have a custom fanpage on facebook. And when the custom apps are installed in facebook, Facebook runs a parallel web under it's own umbrella,

I don't think twitter can come even 10% closer to facebook, considering the current developments on facebook.....I must say twitter has failed to have a vision[Atleast untill now].

If facebook starts allowing domain pointing(cname records) to fanpages and opens up a revenue sharing program like adsense ;) . It will be like god of internet ... Google will surely die sooner or later....

I know its not gonna happen overnight, but facebook has the potential to takeover Google. & with the fact that, Microsoft bought stakes in FB, Google has already begun to loose the war....

What are your thoughts over this?
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War Will be Fought on "Google Me" front Lets see what happens there :)
The big G will always rule the internet.
FB is a different type of battleground for blackhatters.

That being said, both can be very profitable of course.
Umm.. what the hell? What about the 'websites' part? Seems like everyone is so caught up in polishing Google Facebooks Twitters noobs that they aren't thinking about their own real estate. I thought by the title that's what this thread would be.

Anybody for 'websites'?
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yea they both very popular but it is good to have your own website still cause if you don't you are at the mercy of the other sites if something happens
hey DUde g is very nice thing on internet and i dont think so they will die i know face book is also nice but they are very expensive too.
Umm.. what the hell? What about the 'websites' part? Seems like everyone is so caught up in polishing Google Facebooks Twitters noobs that they aren't thinking about their own real estate. I thought by the title that's what this thread would be.

Anybody for 'websites'?

yea they both very popular but it is good to have your own website still cause if you don't you are at the mercy of the other sites if something happens

I know it's good to have a website so that you are not at the mercy of other sites.... But, Businesses in my area don't think in the same fashion... Atleast not the local brands... Facebook hype is making the entire market crazy...and newspapers add fuel to the facebook hype... seems everyone is crazy about facebook they don't care if their website sucks, but their facebook page needs to be CooL...
My bet is also with Google, Simply because of the market momentum they have going for them already. But hey, Who cares? Make money on both of 'em!
Facebook cannot out do your own webpages. I have total control over my own webpages. With a fanpage, I give up 99% of that to facebook and that is not a smart move.
I know it's good to have a website so that you are not at the mercy of other sites.... But, Businesses in my area don't think in the same fashion... Atleast not the local brands... Facebook hype is making the entire market crazy...and newspapers add fuel to the facebook hype... seems everyone is crazy about facebook they don't care if their website sucks, but their facebook page needs to be CooL...

Your area is the exception then, not the rule. I am quite certain, the majority of business owners today (talking small) do not see facebook as a business class tool, but as something to talk to friends and family and that's about it.

Facebook has been in the media sure, but for privacy issues, and 14 year old girls meeting 24 year old men. Not for being a premier business service. I am pretty sure 'The Social Network' movie is not going to do wonders for Facebook in terms of being a trustworthy place for business people to work from. Put my entire life and family in the hands of a hack? No, I will just have local joe blow here build me a nice website that I can control the way I want.

Twitter most people still do not 'get'. Then again, the idea of status updates is an acquired taste, not a natural one.

If there is ANY future to be had in business for facebook/twitter et'all social networks, it will be in social media marketing contractors doing the work for businesses to drive traffic away from the network INTO their .. what? .. wait for it.. their OWN websites.

Their place in the Internet is only to be YATS.. (Yet Another Traffic Source). Facebook/Twitter/Google/whatevercomes along are just YATS. The website owner will always rein surpreme. Owning over renting, will always rein surpeme. Nobody likes to be a 'subject' (clever pun) in someone elses castle. Every man wants their own. That is natural. That is the desire of every person. That is why they may get a taste in the facebook waters, might get excited with 1000 followers in twitter... but the desire to go beyond that, and have a place they can really call their own, is where they ultimately will go.

I refuse to polish facebook/twitter/googles noobs. I'm not their biatch, their mine. :)
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no one is going to take over google. Google will only upgrade and get better.
Facebook can be used for lead generation. Abt Google me, few days back google bought a social media company. May be next thing we will talk abt it.
I know this much facebook traffic is trash the shit doesnt convert, you have to use blackhat on facebook otherwise its like fucking a shooting blanks on the battlefield youre dead, as far as facebook beating google Idk by some mircale if it beats the Big G..... lets just hope not.
Really god step from MS. Facebook is gonna make all behind in the next couple of years since it's got a lot more reach than twitter.
p { margin-bottom: 0.08in; } Really god step from MS. Facebook is gonna make all behind in the next couple of years since it's got a lot more reach than twitter.
p { margin-bottom: 0.08in; } Really god step from MS. Facebook is gonna make all behind in the next couple of years since it's got a lot more reach than twitter.
p { margin-bottom: 0.08in; } Really god step from MS. Facebook is gonna make all behind in the next couple of years since it's got a lot more reach than twitter.