facebook viral file download / app without copy paste token


Junior Member
Aug 3, 2011
Reaction score
hello ,
im seraching for some viral facebook code / file download / app that not need to copy paste token .
i will pay much for it .
please contacnt me .
What exactly do you mean by viral download? Viral through sharing?
I think OP wants something to make users share page or whatever on their walls just so theirs friends do the same, creating a viral effect.Correct me if I'm wrong tho.
I think OP wants something to make users share page or whatever on their walls just so theirs friends do the same, creating a viral effect.Correct me if I'm wrong tho.
thats it ... you right 100% :)
Oh I see. The old "viral" share codes that used to be around years ago are no longer working. Currently, the only way to share on FB is through the Graph API. You need a Facebook app in order to do this.

Until recently you could still use the "sharer.php" method where you could link to https://www.facebook.com/sharer/sharer.php?u=LINK_HERE, where LINK_HERE is the link to share, but as far as I know this is no longer supported.