**Facebook Spammer ordered to pay $711 million**


Power Member
Jun 22, 2009
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Hi BHWers :)

Just read the below News Article and i was scared to death about Spamming :o.I hope they dont SUE me for Forum Spamming and Mass PMing LOL :D

The social networking site wins damages against noted spammer Sanford Wallace for bombarding its users with junk mail.

NEW YORK -- A California judge awarded Facebook $711 million in damages against spammer Sanford Wallace for bombarding the web site with junk messages.​

"We won another battle in the fight against spam," said Facebook, which announced the Oct. 29 ruling on its Web site on Friday.
Wallace, who has also been called the "Spam King," accessed Facebook members' accounts without their permission and sent out "phony" Wall posts and messages, the company said.
In addition to the damages, Judge Jeremy Fogel of U.S. District Court in Northern California's San Jose division banned Wallace, and anyone affiliated with him, from accessing Facebook.
Facebook acknowledged that it doesn't expect to get much money out of the bankrupt Wallace, but it said that he could end up behind bars.
"Most notably, the judge referred Wallace to the U.S. Attorney's Office with a request that Wallace be persecuted for criminal contempt, which means that in addition to the judgment, he now faces possible jail time," read the Facebook statement. "We will continue to pursue damages against other spammers."
Wallace lives in Las Vegas, according to the court, and a phone message for him was not immediately returned.
This isn't the first time that Sanford was successfully sued by an online company. In May, 2008, MySpace won a $230 million judgment against Wallace for sending junk messages. Wallace was also fined $4 million by the Federal Trade Commission in 2006 for his excessive pop-up ads.
The question is, how many of you will Stop SPAMMING after reading this :sombrero:
no a days internet security is being more secure... but not in india :) haha
but imagine how much money this guy was making....fuck....why not move somewhere offshore and live for a while until there is no more heat from facebook....
If that guy spammed 700 mill worth of facebook messages, I doubt we run any risk.
Plus the big thing was that he was exploting something to make users look like they were spamming it sounds like.
I realize the contradiction here but I must admit I always try and "spam with style" in other words I try and direct my spam emails to only those that actually could give a damn about what I am emailing about. At the end of the day if we spam so bad that the internet no longer becomes useable then we will drive advertising dollars away.

One other quick thing is that it does suck that american spammers are hit with this huge fines but we have no recourse from international spammers leaving them free and with out american competition.

Just my 2cents (CLICK HERE TO MAKE IT 4cents!!)
Any mailer who is worth his weight will be sued or threatened to be sued.

Oh and Marieke your opinion doesnt really matter when it comes to the can-spam act. However something tells me you have nothing to worry about. lmfao
im spamming with my own accounts so all they can do is ban me (i hope)
As i read it correct, the spam king was hacking into other users accounts and spammed with those. so its not really the same IMO.

Yea he was hacking stuff, soon as you compromise security like that your taking risks