It's NOT just a spam issue, it's an issue from ANY Links from facebook while on Mobile. Last month I was getting over 1.1 million uniques a day, mostly from Facebook. I'm down to like 65k daily now, it's killing me! I've googled, but not much discussion about it. I DID read on a facebook community post someone said while on Mobile, EVERY link they click on gets the message you see in the image I've attached. I thought my site was hacked or something, they way traffic PLUMMETED down. I tried a few of my links from my facebook page, and sure enough, I got the message. The BAD thing is, the message page isn't responsive, so the button to continue to the website was OFFSCREEN! It's impossible for someone to continue, even if they DARED to after reading the message. I thought it was just MY site, but I had a conference call with Simple Reach, and was told OTHER pageowners are suffering because of it too. How the hell has Facebook NOT picked up on this yet?? My site has NEVER been reported as spam, so it's really not a spam related warning. All I know is I'm losing THOUSANDS daily because of this.