Facebook LikeJacker - Looking for the Best


Junior Member
Jul 10, 2015
Reaction score
Hello guys,

I am looking for the best facebook like jacker - paid/free.

I have used fblikejacker.in services. I am satisfied with the product, but not completely.

Looking for the best of all.

What do you think about http://thegrowthjacker.com/. It costs $39. Is it worth?

Above all: is like jacking work in today's scenario.

I mean if I use a like jacking script on my website and buy facebook traffic, will I gain huge amount of likes to my page?

need valuable suggestion from people who used it.


A Like Jacker is something that you install on your site so that is can Like Jack the traffic that comes to your site which is logged in to a FB account at that time.

Like Jacking has been around for a number of years and I have been involved in it and sold the original Like Jacker here on BHW back in 2011 (I think) and then again since 2014 with the current Like Jacker that I sell.

Keep on mind that Like Jackers are just tools that automate a task for you and that if you use them incorrectly then you can expect FB to notice this very quickly and take some form of action. In the case of Like Jacking the usually place a 'confirm like' button on your site which is enough to stop the Like Jacking but you can easily avoid this by following the advice that is freely given in this forum (mostly by me) and that is to keep things under the radar by not getting too many likes too fast.

FB can detect which likes come from an external website, such as your site where you have the Like Jacker installed and this is why you can't go nuts with Like Jacking but it is still a very valid and useful method for cranking up the number of Likes your FB pages get.

Thanks a lot for your input. Can you suggest the best way to use Likejacker without getting banned from Facebook ?
thanks in advance
Thanks @Nut-Nights , I got it what do you meant by under the radar :). I am currently using fblikejacker.in and they are pretty good at it. ))
Thanks @Nut-Nights , I got it what do you meant by under the radar :). I am currently using fblikejacker.in and they are pretty good at it. ))

Any decent Like Jacker worth its salt should give you all the features you need to be able to control how many Likes you get and how fast you get them. I have been involved with Like Jacking since 2011 and released the very first, commercially available, Like Jacking tool which others have since followed suit with. Whatever tool you do use make sure that the person behind it has the experience and knowledge of what is required to make it a tool that gives you the best chances to staying under the radar.

Due to my experience of Like Jacking I have written so many posts here at BHW about how to stay under the radar and articles. I should have complied a PDF and made it available to everyone who uses a Like Jacker.

Things change over time and FB will always make changes to things and because it's FB's rules then we have to change with them.

As one example FB took a total dislike to domains that use the .xyz extension and then they got fed up with spammers using newly registered domains so they claimed down on domains that were less than 4 weeks old being used with FB.

When it comes to Like Jacking there are so many things that you need to take in to account but not just to stay under the radar but with actually getting a return on the time and effort you put in to Like Jacking.

Blasting 1,000 jacked likes to your pages in a day won't work. FB will stand on your toes before you reach those 1,000 likes. You also need to make sure that the site where you have the Like Jacker installed is also a match to your FB page.

There is no point in getting jacked likes from a site about train spotting if the FB page that's getting the likes is about stamp collecting. That mismatch will be a total waste of time.

Remember, Like Jacking is about getting likes for your FB pages from REAL FB users. It's not about a shotgun approach or 'my page is 10,000 Likes which means I am great'.

Like Jacking is about increasing the number of likes to your site from real FB users who are a match for the site where you are jacking the likes at.

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Is there a product that is just JS and not a plugin for WP? I am looking for this on my non WP site.
I got shez one.
And I try to stray under the radar :)
So I just send 33-50% of the users. No problems for months.
And free 100 fans for doing nada a month
Any decent Like Jacker worth its salt should give you all the features you need to be able to control how many Likes you get and how fast you get them. I have been involved with Like Jacking since 2011 and released the very first, commercially available, Like Jacking tool which others have since followed suit with. Whatever tool you do use make sure that the person behind it has the experience and knowledge of what is required to make it a tool that gives you the best chances to staying under the radar.

Due to my experience of Like Jacking I have written so many posts here at BHW about how to stay under the radar and articles. I should have complied a PDF and made it available to everyone who uses a Like Jacker.

Things change over time and FB will always make changes to things and because it's FB's rules then we have to change with them.

As one example FB took a total dislike to domains that use the .xyz extension and then they got fed up with spammers using newly registered domains so they claimed down on domains that were less than 4 weeks old being used with FB.

When it comes to Like Jacking there are so many things that you need to take in to account but not just to stay under the radar but with actually getting a return on the time and effort you put in to Like Jacking.

Blasting 1,000 jacked likes to your pages in a day won't work. FB will stand on your toes before you reach those 1,000 likes. You also need to make sure that the site where you have the Like Jacker installed is also a match to your FB page.

There is no point in getting jacked likes from a site about train spotting if the FB page that's getting the likes is about stamp collecting. That mismatch will be a total waste of time.

Remember, Like Jacking is about getting likes for your FB pages from REAL FB users. It's not about a shotgun approach or 'my page is 10,000 Likes which means I am great'.

Like Jacking is about increasing the number of likes to your site from real FB users who are a match for the site where you are jacking the likes at.

What is the most effective trick to boost FB besides jacker dude? please tell to me
I got shez one.
And I try to stray under the radar :)
So I just send 33-50% of the users. No problems for months.
And free 100 fans for doing nada a month

Thank you for your purchase of the Like Jacking Ninja. Keeping thing steady is the key to Like Jacking. Far too often I see people wanting to get 1,000's of Likes per day to their sites using the Like Jacker but that activity sticks out like a sore thumb to FB and it makes it easy for FB to pick off the offending site.

The Like Jacker is the tool that gives you REAL likes for your FB pages. Not bots, not fake likes, etc and that is so overlooked by people wanting to use Like Jacking. I think, in part, this is because it's easy to buy 1,000 likes for your FB page for not a lot of money but those likes are useless and a total waste of time and money.

This is where Like Jacking and bot/fake likes are so different. People seem to forget that having likes from real FB users is a LOT more valuable than buying bot/fake likes which are pointless and worthless.

What is the most effective trick to boost FB besides jacker dude? please tell to me

Before I can answer that, tell me why you want to boost the likes for your FB pages. Once I know that then I can answer your question properly.
Can anyone confirm if THEGROWTHJACKER for Facebook page likes still working?