Facebook Journey to 30/day


Regular Member
Oct 28, 2015
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First I want to thanks Adrian112for his Porn Reupload Method

It help me achieve my first payment in IM from months in 0 to 116.00 in 2 weeks of hard manual uploading In almost no time, it was hard but now I can use it scale up, for this journey I will be using facebook I am still undecided if going with facedominator or massplanner any input above those will be appreciated.

sorry can't post images/links yet.


  • payment.jpg
    40.1 KB · Views: 466
thanks, account got banned but was expecting it just wanted to rise some money in order to do the real work now
what I have done so far.

Downloaded some sites with HtTrack
Subscribed to Massplanner
got extra modules
Extended Multi Account Module +8 $15.00
Friends Backup Module $15.00
Facebook Comments and Likes $15.00
Bump $15.00
Account Actions $15.00

now to buy some aged accounts and do the basic follow/unfollow/join the first week for the new accounts

Will use the weekend to spin some articles from the sites downloaded
Guys, As a newbie you earned enough but I can't wish you telling 'GOOD LUCK' because I'm not interested to inspire you for porn site task. There are many tasks are available in the market so please think for alternative tasks.
Guys, As a newbie you earned enough but I can't wish you telling 'GOOD LUCK' because I'm not interested to inspire you for porn site task. There are many tasks are available in the market so please think for alternative tasks.

That my friend is exactly what I'm doing, I'm using the money earned with the porn method to go fuel this journey that is not porn related,
Today I bought 3 FB accounts and 10 aged twitter accounts for $15. and setup AWS to run Massplanner 24/7. the pic bellow is from yesterday, I ran an small campaign testing MP with my real FB account posted to 10 groups just once. made me 12.74, just adsense, Once I get the accounts will go the safe way for 2 weeks then after the accounts are in enough groups and a good amount of friends will start the group posting and commenting slowly. meanwhile I will be setting up the money sites.

30 dicember.jpg

I will be focus with FB but though that since I'm using MP why not be doing some tests with twitter at the same time since it will be automated I will be doing little to no time investment and at the same time learn something.

Bought 2 extra modules
Post unique images
contact members

bought 10 fresh pva facebook accounts and have 4 setup in massplanner
before receiving the accounts I decided to remake an old fb account I had (2009),
* blocked all friends from it
* changed name, added pics, etc, (made it a female account)
* started joining groups, likes, pokes and posted images to some of it, replayed to accepted members (just to 6 groups)
* started an small campaign


just 6 days into 2016 and recovered my investment

now I'll wait 3/4 days for the accounts to join enough groups before running new campaigns, I think I will use 1 of the accounts to get quick cash from porn to use it in this journey, I need more power (I'm using free amazon ec-2)

massplanner modules
extra modules.png
Great, already off to a nice start, should be no problem to reach $30/day for you.
Good luck
Guys, As a newbie you earned enough but I can't wish you telling 'GOOD LUCK' because I'm not interested to inspire you for porn site task. There are many tasks are available in the market so please think for alternative tasks.

Whats wrong with porn? OP is not dealing drugs or pimping...or anything that is illegal even moral.

People want to watch porn and probably you are doing the same....do you feel ashamed jerking off watching pron?
I think your domain will be banned by Facebook sooner or later. :)

Yes it will be :) but by the time it gets banned I my income will be enough to get a better server, run more account for "legit" fan pages / websites, etc.

also I have 10 domains ready to switch once it gets down :cool:

Great, already off to a nice start, should be no problem to reach $30/day for you.
Good luck

thanks, I was thinking the same, once I start running the campaigns 30 will be nothing
Yes it will be :) but by the time it gets banned I my income will be enough to get a better server, run more account for "legit" fan pages / websites, etc.

also I have 10 domains ready to switch once it gets down :cool:

thanks, I was thinking the same, once I start running the campaigns 30 will be nothing
how much did you spend for this method till now?
how much did you spend for this method till now?


decided to upgrade my proxies yesterday, the way I see it I can be easily doing 50-100/day once I start the running full campaigns, posting only once/day/groups bumping post 2-5 times maybe more (have to dig deeper about safe parameters), setting likes/comments for the rights keywords, etc.
Ah, everything from my earnings from porn uploading ($116.00)
after a little traffic analysis decided to send the lowest converting traffic to some porn/dating offers


$gi = geoip_open('GeoIP.dat', GEOIP_MEMORY_CACHE);
$country = geoip_country_code_by_addr($gi, $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR']);

$my_countries2 = array('mx','co','ar','ve','bo','br','cl','cr','do','ec','sv','gt','hn','py','pe','pr');
if (in_array(strtolower($country),$my_countries2))
  header('Location: affiliate address here');

for those that don't know coding (php in this case) it checks the clients ip agains the geoip.dat database and returns the country code, once we have it we can redirect base on the country

need to upload GeoIP.dat and geoip.inc to your server or somewhere from where you can access them (if your host support remote file include)

just google it and you will get those
You seem to have extremely high CTR on your adsense ads. How are your ads positioned?
You seem to have extremely high CTR on your adsense ads. How are your ads positioned?

1. under post title (text / responsive)
2. after second or third paragraph (text / 300x600)
3. end of post (text / responsive), I move this one 1/week until I get a good conversion ratio for it.

articles are short 300-500 words no more than 6 paragraphs.