Facebook Group Growth


Regular Member
May 15, 2017
Reaction score
Hey guys, any way you know how to grow a facebook group? Either organically or through ads?
If your group is already fairly established, you can reach out to admins of other similar groups and arrange a shoutout for shoutout sort of deal.

If you wanted to try something a little more Blackhat, you could try the following:

1. Join a bunch of groups similar to yours

2. Go through the list of people in those groups and send them all friend requests one by one

3. Manually invite everyone who accepts your friend requests to join your own group

4. Rinse and repeat. The more accounts you can do this with the better the results. Use a VPN if possible to lower the chances of getting banned.
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hmmm that gave me all kinds of ideas- this is a new facebook group however
Growing Facebook Fanpages is somehow really easy.
You could offer money for big pages to mention your group. Just message each page offering about $3-5 to mention your group.
That mention doesnt have to be just dedicated to you, they can post an image that suppose to be found inside your group, and then "To find more images like this, join this group-> URL"
I think what you need to know if already mentioned above and it will be best of you go with paid methods initially as the group is new otherwise you won't get desired results just by organic growth.