Facebook fan page linked with personal account?


Regular Member
Dec 25, 2009
Reaction score
If your fan page is linked with your personal account and your fan page gets banned, is your personal account banned too?
Sometimes they ban just the page, sometimes the account. Probably depends on what exactly you did wrong, how old the page is, how old the account is as well as many other factors.

The easiest way is just create a new account for your pages. NEVER use your personal account even if it's a whitehat page.
Sometimes they ban just the page, sometimes the account. Probably depends on what exactly you did wrong, how old the page is, how old the account is as well as many other factors.

The easiest way is just create a new account for your pages. NEVER use your personal account even if it's a whitehat page.

Yeah, I guess that would be the way to go.
Well i had a facebook page with 250k fans. The publishing rights to the page were taken away on the base that i posted copyright content on the page.
But my account (and other pages) work just fine.
Yes they will ban your personal account eventually. I created a fan page with red/blue script on it, page got deleted at 8k fans, account got a warning. Did it again 2 days later with a similar page, got deleted around 8k fans, personal account got deleted. Not that I cared about that account much anyway.