I submitted an article with 11 words in the title, with each word being different.
To use a similar but unrelated example, my article has a title like "Do you enjoy [verb]'ing? An [accessory] may improve your performance"
And it gets rejected because:
Don't they "human review" all their articles? Fucking idiots, the lot of them. At least the ones who reject my articles.
To use a similar but unrelated example, my article has a title like "Do you enjoy [verb]'ing? An [accessory] may improve your performance"
And it gets rejected because:
Are you seriously kidding me? There are no repeating keywords in my title. There aren't even any repeating words in my title. In fact, the first few words in my title are "do you enjoy". How the fuck is that "keyword dense?"Article Titles which contain excessive keyword or keyphrase density will not be accepted. If you are going to make the first 2-4 words very keyword dense in your article title, do not repeat the keywords a 2nd time in your title.
Don't they "human review" all their articles? Fucking idiots, the lot of them. At least the ones who reject my articles.