Explain Plz, FaceBook Traffic and Viral Pages


Junior Member
Nov 22, 2009
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Am new at FaceBook think and I do not get this :

How do ppl drive traffic from FaceBook to a Viral Page at first.

I mean before that page goes Viral what you have to do.
As I test.. its hard to add friends or Likes to your fan pages.
And As I saw some others camping, they send "good" traffic to their Viral page without having more than 100 friend and without fan pages.

I know how to get traffic from YouTube, twitter and some others networks.. but I really did not get how some Facebook marketer get good traffic with Facebook to their Viral pages or lets says land pages.

I did do search before asking, all thread I found did not explain how you really get a good traffic from Facebook to start your camping or Viral Page.

Also, no one explaining how to go safely with Facebook without getting banned or so.

Appreciated any help,
thanx in advance.
And As I saw some others camping, they send "good" traffic to their Viral page without having more than 100 friend and without fan pages.

How do you know if they don't have their own big fan pages or tons of accounts with 2k-3k friends to promote the landing?
You have lot of ways for do that, you have also a script wich obbligate the visitor to share if you want to see the content, as a content locker but you don t have to fill any survey, just share
How do you know if they don't have their own big fan pages or tons of accounts with 2k-3k friends to promote the landing?

By looking at all their links and studying his "market" or "methods".. sometimes I found that he got more than 1 account at face book to promote his Viral Page but all his accounts have about 1000 friend witch I think not much to start a landing page to be viral and shared by many ppl at facebbok or other networks.

Someotheres, do drive traffice to his landing page using youtube or other social networks.. but when I look to his youtube views he gots like 100 views.. and agin I do not think this number will help to make your page Viral.

Am sure ppl have many "greate" methods to drive traffic to their landing page using viral facebook method that I do not know about, and this is my main question here.

You have lot of ways for do that, you have also a script wich obbligate the visitor to share if you want to see the content, as a content locker but you don t have to fill any survey, just share

Yes, I found this secript at facebook section.. But my question still : How do they drive a lot of traffic to "that" page and make ppl share it.

Even if we say that person has 1000 friend at his facebook.. I do not think it will make his page viral and shared by more ppl.. Unless he has a way to target ppl at same intrest "Like what we do with twitter targeting "at"replay "

Also, remember its really hard to get 500 friend in a short time in facebok and that will not help to test and target more niches.

I hope if someone with FaceBook experience can share us or guide us on new facebooks methods.
I build dozens of viral pages a week and I can tell you that I doubt anyone would share their custom secret working methods with you on this forum, but there is some good info here that you can adapt and come up with new ways to do things.

I am not trying to be mean, but if you don't know how, you would be better off buying pages. Most people charge $30 - $50+ to get you 1k real targeted fans, so buying a current viral page for $2 per 1k fans is a great deal for you.
Still looking for some help,
Any way to get traffic to my page to start its viral.. without spamming other groups and fanpages with my links ?
Still looking for some help,
Any way to get traffic to my page to start its viral.. without spamming other groups and fanpages with my links ?

You could create a fake account, post on popular fanpages, people will add you, accept the friends request, suggest the page to them :)
Earlier growed "See More" page by posting on other pages few days, but not spammed to much. After like a week already had 20k+ likes. But I think best way to grow pages is search what is hot on fb these days and create related niche page. Sometimes google trends helps to find hot niches.
You could create a fake account, post on popular fanpages, people will add you, accept the friends request, suggest the page to them :)

this is what am going to do now,
but things are not very clear to me.
I saw some ppl post their links to "some" popular pages as "comments" "the link is external pointing to a viral FB page ". Isn't this consedred spamming and as I understand facebook will ban your account.

Or as you suggest, should I just post normal posts "without links" till I get more friends then inv them to my fan page?

Earlier growed "See More" page by posting on other pages few days, but not spammed to much. After like a week already had 20k+ likes. But I think best way to grow pages is search what is hot on fb these days and create related niche page. Sometimes google trends helps to find hot niches.

As I ask befor, not sure how to posts on other pages.
Should I post with my link to my fan page or to the viral page? or just a normal comment to get more friends.

Am still working hard to understand facebook markting, been a week till now Looking everyday for and info related to FB methods but nothing really answer how to get good traffic to your viral page.

note that I do not have niche.. just going to spam whatever is hot and trending and get ppl to my viral fb page then to content locker.

made a test and post a youtube link to some pages and only got +20 visits... witch is as I see not much at all.
I am also quite new to FB... so many users there, only your imagination is the limit..


1) get friends in a easy way search for "add me" "friend request" or something like that

2) post on pages and groups, something relevant that would interest people and make them add you

3) make your profile look genuine, get a set of pics.. go to another social network and get them e.g pof

I am currently working on a project to create a community of fake profile users, where we can interact with eachother, to look more real.. pm me if u are interested..
i think its the only way to get strong jump start and go viral is posting in large fanpages