expiring links I Need to create 1000 expiring links


Junior Member
Nov 9, 2011
Reaction score
Hello i need to create about 1200 expiring links of one link, that will expire after 1 click. Ive been googling but cant find anything that can do this in batch mode, or even a script that can do this with just 1 click. any help will be nice.
A script would be easy enough, you would track urls in a database to record clicks and only show the links with no clicks.

To track clicks you could Run via a 301 redirect page that recorded the clicks before forwarding on to the desired destination.

If you did not want to 301 you could use ajax but that would not work with searc engines.

Try looking at affiliate click tracking scripts as in essence they do something very similar in terms of tracking tclicks, all be it for a different purpose.
Well, may you can use some PHP Scrtips and use the database. When people click the link, the entry on the database is deleted. Just an idea.