expired domain not indexed


Power Member
Jul 27, 2011
Reaction score

I found a nice expired domain, but i checked if it's indexed in google or not and realized it's not. Are there any risks for this? The backlink profile is clean, no spam or any other crap.
Some expired domains are indexed, some are not. Theoretically there should be no risk.
theoretically yes but in reality, not all backlinks are shown, whenever you use ahrefs majestic or gwt there are always some links that ain't showing, and if those links are spammy, domain could be banned, but let's hope this is not the case :)
Personally I only go for domains that are already indexed, it's the only way to be 100% sure. If it's cheap enough there's not a whole lot of risk though...
It may or may not have been penalized and de-indexed, which is why its best to go for those that have at least a page indexed.
Check for site:domainname.com , info:domainname.com site availability. If it is not listed then it should be penalized. No use in buying this. Make sure that the expired domain is indexed before you buy.
there are always some links that ain't showing, and if those links are spammy, domain could be banned

usually spam links come in high volume, so you should be able to spot them 99.5% of the time
If it expired a long time ago and simply dropped out of Google's index naturally then yes it is worth buying as it will get reindexed.
yeah its wise to check if its indexed and to check if there are any spammy links to it, and go and take a look at archive.org maybe there is some cached version so you can see what type of content was there. Just a few days ago i found a pretty good one but it turned out to be a waste of money because it got a manual penalty. So be sure to check as much detail as possible
have purhased amny many expired domains I woudl always check if indexed and if not stay away period. Now if you made a mistake and skiled that check ( yes I have pulled the trigger to soon myself) I have always had problem i.e never got any real link juice for de- indexed site 5 Steps check # of links ( type of links etc age of links etc Older and alive better ) indexed, PR check fake ? , how many times dropped and site authority. 15 or better and all else good buy if price is right
When boughting a domain that is not listed even on site:domain.com , how much time is needed to assume that this domain was previosuly banned by Google? Even google webmaster tools can shows no messages,when adding the domain...
You are making too much out of this.

Re purpose the domain, add GWT, and send in a reconsideration request.

Tell them that you bought the domain for your company, the previous owners are not part of your company, the content has been changed, and you get the domain back.

Jump thru the hoops, not a big deal. Does take time though.
Its a risk to buy de-index buy domain, may be Google penalize it and de-index from the search results.
Most expired domains are not indexed, once you register it, it will become indexed
Put a wordpress blog on the domain and after a post or two it should be indexed.
If it expired a while ago and it's deindexed it's completely normal, if you have done your due diligence on the backlinks you would be good to go! N just wait for the site to index when you add the site.