experience with a-ads?


Registered Member
Apr 24, 2011
Reaction score
Anyone got experience with a-ads. I signed up earlier in the week created an ad space to put on site. I am having two issues however. They seem only to be counting 1/3 of my traffic OK but slightly more alarming is the CPM rate sees to be 1/100 of a cent
Some thing is obviously wrong. I put the advert as banner on an internal page in my site
Checked it now and all I can see is an advert for a-ads itself.
Is there something in the setting I am doing wrong or what is the problem
Its a ridiculous level. I dont know if the views are people it registered visiting my site or people who saw adverts. They said the rate was $0.20 CPM but its like $0.001 CPM
Another adverting company I put on the site seems be paying similarly. I am going to have to look at this again
OK it may have had something to do with settings or the traffic I sent. I sent traffic from a different source and The CPM has picked up and fill rate is 60%.

I had to remove a separate advert from a different company as it was causing a virus warning which is annoying
I need to do more tests
Is there away to track earnings from display ads basically which traffic gets me a higher CPM
OK that went down hill pretty quickly.
been running ads since last Thursday and after some tweeking got a high CPM and was like this is great potenital ROI of about 85%
But the last two says I have earned zero. They have something with unique impressions not just on your site but their entire network.
I have been sending mainly US and European traffic to my page but little action so far. I am going to test a different traffic source today see if that makes a difference