Exact Youtube Upload Method For Success


Regular Member
Feb 17, 2009
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Hey guys,

I've promoted all sorts of offers using YouTube for well over a year now and feel I know quite a bit about uploading videos and how to get the best out of them. I see loads of posts in this forum asking the questions that I once asked and really learned through trial and error.

I'm hoping this thread can become a good resource where we can all contribute a bit of info and then we can put all this info together in order to help everybody have their videos both survive and last as long as possible on youtube.

I would say that the following steps are essentials:

1. Use a different IP for every account. I learnt this the hard way in the beginning when I had 20+ accounts banned in a day which was bringing me in $XXXX per month on complete autopilot, bad times. Lesson learned.

2. Clear your cookies and cahche for every new account. This is vital as even if you change your IP, youtube still obviously know it's you if they still have they're cookies on your comp.

3. Don't use the same URL in your video descriptions. This is the other mistake I made with my first venture and it's another easy way for youtube to connect accounts. A way round this I use is to use a different url shortener for each video description until I've been through all the main ones I know, then start again. This assures you won't be crippled by using just one URL shortener for all vids if youtube decided to ban these or if they wen't out fo business.

* HOWEVER, a couple of people I've spoke to feel this may even still leave footprints as youtube could perhaps have a system that tells where all outgoing links end up, therefore linking these accounts and videos together that way. Who knows? Anyone like to comment/shed some light on this?

4. Another important factor is account creation. The easiest and simplest way I know to create accounts is to have it outsourced. The only problem is, when creating youtube accounts, I believe each account must be manually created using clean proxies/IP's for every single one. Scripts that auto create accounts just don't deliver long term account value in my opinion. The most effective way I found was to register the youtube accounts (in terms of them lasting longer) was using yahoo mail email addresses, however the big pain was having to verify each youtube account. With gmail obviously there's no need for this but if the gmails have been mass created using a script without using proper proxies then I think google/youtube know this and the accounts are basically worthless.
*** On this note, if anyone on here with good iTrader/Rep who creates youtube accounts in this manner (or a manner in which they know doesn't leave any footprints or connections between accounts), could you drop me a PM with your rate and a bit of info on how you create the accounts. I'm always looking for people who can provide long lasting, quality youtube accounts.***

In my experience, even just ensuring the first 4 steps of this guide are abided by, depending on what your promoting, should ensure your youtube accounts and videos last a long time.

I have promoted lots of things on youtube ranging from acai berry and teeth whitening through to porn and dating. Obviously for the latter (sexy/lesbians kissing vids) there are a whole other set of precautions you need to follow. If any of you folks want to discuss this in this thread then that's great but if not, I'll happily communicate via PM if you want to discuss uploading tactics and how to get the most out of uploading.

*Please don't PM me unless you have some successful experience in uploading sexy/lesbian videos to youtube, if your completely new to this then follow the steps in this post and start testing what works with these type of videos before simply asking me how I go about doing it. There are plenty of other easier things to promote that using the steps in this thread, will work just fine.*
Great post about youtube. Soon i'll starting working with youtube more closely... i have 100k+ accts to start :)
What's niche more profitable for youtube? Adult? Or may be some other niches? Also... how many videos you upload per day? Share your experience :)

100,000 ACCOUNTS! That should keep you going for a few weeks :)

The only way to find out what niche is the most profitable is to go and test yourself, you've got 100k accounts for christ sake lol. If you can work out a formula to get your adult videos to stick then you are golden. I have a few ways of doing it but from what I see everyday, there are a few peeps who have it nailed better than i do.

As of recently I haven't uploaded many videos daily (working on other internet marketing projects) but when I was doing it everyday I would upload anywhere between 30 and 100+ videos, depending on what I was promoting.

After I've sorted my current project I'm going to start working on an automated system to try and totally automate youtube promotion from start to finish.
Hey thanks for this post. Was searching here for tips on how to get started and poof U wrapped it up in one Post. I'm branching out into other areas marketing cam shows. Hahahaha and my first vid I made and uploaded isn't even coming up in searches yet after 2 hours...seems I have a lot yet to learn!
Thanks for the info man i knew most of this but if you wanna chat about some other ideas let me know via pm.
Hey thanks for this post. Was searching here for tips on how to get started and poof U wrapped it up in one Post. I'm branching out into other areas marketing cam shows. Hahahaha and my first vid I made and uploaded isn't even coming up in searches yet after 2 hours...seems I have a lot yet to learn!

Good stuff mate, glad it helped you out.
Great tips man, May I see some video you have been uploaded.
PM me
Great tips man, May I see some video you have been uploaded.
PM me

Sorry mate but I can't really do that. I don't really want everyone to see what I'm promoting and exactly how I do it, even though it's not really some big elaborate secret.

It really is as simple as going over to youtube, spend about half an hour searching youtube for popular internet marketing niches. Find what a couple are doing then, if you've no imagination, copy exactly what someone else is doing. If you do this and carpet bomb youtube with these videos while making sure you leave no trace between accounts (e.g. follow steps in first post), then even this WILL make you money.

A slightly more imaginitive method would be to look around your CPA networks/Clickbank/Literally any affiliate program online, and it's almost a guarantee you can promote it via youtube in some way. Don't limit yourself to biz opps, weight loss, ringtones etc.
what exactly do you mean by carpet bombing?

Haha sorry it's not a technical term, I mean like basically uploading lots and lots of youtube videos on the same niche/subject. Like when you drop a carpet bomb it wipes out everything in sight. So you want to swamp all the keywords on youtube with your videos, then move on and carpet bomb the next niche.
thanks for the tips, I had uploaded lots of video for clickbank products, the main problem is how to get more views I hardly get 100 views to my video and video get buried somewhere in pile of YT videos, more views means more chances of sale, view increasing softwares are not working any more, can you guide how to get more views and bring videos on upper ranking
thanks for input
thanks for the tips, I had uploaded lots of video for clickbank products, the main problem is how to get more views I hardly get 100 views to my video and video get buried somewhere in pile of YT videos, more views means more chances of sale, view increasing softwares are not working any more, can you guide how to get more views and bring videos on upper ranking
thanks for input

Hey shawah,

I've got to be totally honest and say that I'm not aware of any magic bullet that will increase the youtube views on your/my videos. Like you say, all the software that used to work to increase the views now no longer work. (As far as I'm aware).

I've not used this method myself, but it is a long term option that would work. Twitter accounts are ten-a-penny and it's very easy to create many of them. If I was really looking to up the views of my youtube videos when I post them, I would create 10 different twitter accounts. Then use automated tools to build my followers day by day (Making sure not to go over the top, there are plenty threads available on here detailing how to avoid twitter bans and how to get lots of followers.). Now after a month or so of building up these accounts daily (Won't take much time each day as automated tools will follow people and unfollow people who didn't follow you), you will have tens of thousands of followers accross your 10 accounts. You will now be using these accounts to tweet your videos on. If you tweet your videos accross 10 accounts your going to get a lot of initial views. This will in turn make your video more prominent on youtube and more likely to get on most viewed lists, become featured etc. Your twitter accounts are likely to last too as your not blatently spamming affiliate links, your simply tweeting youtube videos.

Obviously this would be a route to go down if you were serious and were in it for the long term. I'm sure there are other people on the forum here who have much better/simpler/quicker methods on how to get a flood of initial traffic/views to your youtube videos. If they do, I would also love to hear them :)
Thanks, I do have accounts on twitter, I thought about this method but not used it now I will do it, IMO facebook can be used finding a group and sending messages to group members
Thanks, I do have accounts on twitter, I thought about this method but not used it now I will do it, IMO facebook can be used finding a group and sending messages to group members

Yeah posting the video on popular facebook groups could be another good way to get good views. You could also do a similar method with the facebook groups as with the twitter accounts mentioned in my previous post.
I will not talk about niches. But does Youtube users actually pull their credit card from their pocket and buy things? Hear lot of stories that youtube traffic is crap when it comes sales.

How much videos is ok to upload per account?

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Hey, have you found a service who provides you with quality long term accounts that don't get disabled?
I will not talk about niches. But does Youtube users actually pull their credit card from their pocket and buy things? Hear lot of stories that youtube traffic is crap when it comes sales.

How much videos is ok to upload per account?


Yeah a lot of people say that Youtube traffic won't get their credit cards out and buy stuff. This is a lot of rubbish. I've promoted (and still do) clickbank products on youtube and made plenty sales.

There's no doubt that promoting free offers is definitely better but you can definitely make sales regardless.

Again, it's important to pick the right niche and videos, then just go mental churning them out.
Hey, have you found a service who provides you with quality long term accounts that don't get disabled?

I have had a guy PM me who seems to know what he is talking about. I've still got accounts to get through before I buy more, I'll update the thread if his accounts turn out to be good.
Hey, im not here to sell any accts, but i want to say this method is effective, uploading porn etc.you really can get tons of traffic from it. You really dont have to hide your ip. because in all i uploaded 2500 vids so far from same ip. All you have to do is just login to another acct after you upload the first 100. Anyways i already know youtube monitors this place very heavily so for more details about my uploader and subtrain click here

Your talking pure shit mate. If you upload 2500 videos from the same IP, you will be banned and videos removed, no doubt. What makes it even funnier is that you say you have uploaded 2500 ADULT videos from the same IP, all you do is change account per 100 VIDEOS LOL! Too funny.

If I was going to blatantly spam this site promoting my youtube uploader and subtrain bullshit (whatever your selling), I would at least make sure I knew what I was talking about. I'm sure that a mod or some admin will see your posts and ban you soon, out of 7 posts all you've done is spam your empty, dead website.
wow you must have high blood pressure, i see my post made you very angry.
Calm down mate its not a big deal neither of us are going to get paid for our ideas, but its great to share them. Yes you can upload as many vids from same category under the same ip. I been doing it with this method for 2 weeks.
IF you want proof i will show you.
Now this time will you reply, dont get so angry, this is a forum where users discuss topics, etc. You suppose to get high blood pressure when your kids spill your coffee all over your sofa, but not at forum posters. lol