Ewa dead


Registered Member
Jan 12, 2010
Reaction score
Help me share this link frien :) hxxp://herysanjaya.com/ewasuck/donotjoinewa.html

Do not WASTE your time and money on EWA anymore, save it for other network.

here my story and I hope you all not have same experience.

Ryan, came to my country (Indonesia) himself to explain about his network and his AM in my country is my friend.

Okay, I stick to his network and earn like on NOV about $4000+ and DEC about $2800+ (promote only dating offer on FB ads)

The problem start on 24 nov, where savy said wrong send payment okay I wait, from then many excuses come from ryan LOL... I think he's rich but what happen?

EWA going to collapse soon for anytime, he's a lot debt to affiliates and not pay until now and still looking for new investor?

He is sweet mouth guy

Finally, it looks as if this week the investor is coming in and I'd like to discuss plans of resolving the previous debt, and establish a structure for you to rebuild trust with us. It's taken me about 9 months of seeking investors and going through the wringer to finally reach this point. Our new investor is coming in as a financing partner / owner to handle all new allocated traffic. With this investor, we will be able to pay you daily / 2x a week (or whatever preferred) and attach a percentage repayment agreed upon.

Right now all financial decisions and special payment terms like this needs to go through and get approved by them. I'm reaching out to you because I consider you a critical relationship and a friend to EWA, and my main objective in 13' is to fix the mistakes and rebuild the trust. Would you be interested in getting adjusted terms so you can scale without risk, with an agreed upon repayment attached on top of it? For example, we could attach 15% of commission to be attached and remitted onto the daily commission wires to you. This will allow me to get it approved by the investor, while allowing you to scale, get paid daily, and get the past issue resolved.

After we work off the debt we can maintain the same pay schedule so we can actually grow with you and rebuild the trust that we have. You have been a good friend to me and EWA and I want to come to a quick resolution that allows us to work on our previous past due debt.

If you would like to hop on the phone for me to clarify or discuss anything that would further appease you let me know.
We could get some money remitted this week if that will help, then if we paid you super fast you could scale fast. Wientor listed you as a critical relationship so we could work out a special deal. Could I give you a phone call on Skype to move forward with this and explain how we can make a plan that will make you happy?

Yes, I do attack and threat him and after that he said he will wiring my payment. A week passed, and new email now he attack me LOL... he said I fraud lead... how I can do that when I only do advertise on Facebook ads... and the quality good, got paybumps...

And today I tired of his BS... every action come reaction.

Please think if you already joined EWA, whether made a lot or a little, think about it when someday you not got paid for hardwork you done!
And for to those who not join EWA, its good... never touch them!!

I better stick with neverblue and adsimilis, its smooth and got weekly payment, my personal experience.


NB: about fraud thing, what I did only promote dating offers on FB ads... After months my quality good, got paybumps, and when this problem came... ryan with his lame tactic attack me for fraud thing. You only ruin yourself ryan, good luck.1.jpg2.jpg3.jpgdebt.jpglame.jpg
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Everybody knows EWA is dead I have even indicated it months ago in one of my post earlier. Ryan is making himself look like a fool doing all the tactics he has been caught be it hiring a dashing fake NEW female AM or not paying his affiliates. He has NO money to pay PERIOD!
another EWA thread. sorry u lost that money bro-ham
Here's some help what he looks like for when you go chasing after him.
Hahahahaa thanks guys for your reply, eventhough I lost money but I laugh... LOL :D :D
Yes, money is only a bonus when you do what you love :D
have you never heard this proverb before? "De mortuis nil, nisi bene!" - free translation: Speak no ill of the dead :)

jokes aside, they're dead indeed and they're already shitlisted here, plus quite a few other threads about on this forum already, let alone other places
I think they're dying, not yet dead... I will make them really dead, same as like collapse

If no new affs join them and affs stop sending traffic, boom.... feel the wrath

Well... I'm just one person but at least I will comment on other forums/blogs/etc about my story.... it's viral thing maybe lol

if you want big picture check it out hxxp://herysanjaya.com/ewasuck/donotjoinewa.html
LOL, it tooks me about 4 months to get my $600 from EWA, after countless emails exchanges with their crap support =)

Took about 2 months to get $60 from their sister company: Blamads =)
As long as they accept new members to scam these threads should be visible and they should be on every shitlist on the internet
@Catt Mutts
I'll do my best sir to stop them scam other affs !!!
link updated
