I been searching for a product I could email for a while, I tried dating with hugetraffic and that went
well for a while(Until they kicked me and banned me for life). Dating conversation weren't that high anyway,
so I didn't mind as I was looking for something with greater profit margins.
After Trying, gambling, pharma , I finally found escorting, the only one I tried so far is
(This is a ccbill account so if you already have one you can merge it, otherwise signup for one there)
so if anyone knows any others I should try let me know.
Doing the free method, I only use paid for my amazon ec2(You can get a free account, mine was paid though), I was able to make 77$ over the course of 3 days
off of one mailing of 100,000 emails on a amazon ec2 instance, I could of paid for an mandrill
account and got more out instead I wanted to clean the list first.

(Proof of sales)
Email List:
Free Method:
1. Get the email list, you can get email list from
These tend to have high bounce rate and spam traps so you can also use a site like
2. https://leakforums.net/bans.php?page=447
This is a email list of all banned members, these have less bounce rate, but I found they convert
less(Since they are shady people)
If you are using the free method you need to sample at least 10,000 emails(You will be lucky to get out 2,000)
Paid method:
The bounce rate is as high as 60-70% with these guys but you get first and last name
meaning you can email "<First Name> , Some escort want to meet you", this is a opt-in list
so you can legally solicit.
SMTP Server:
1. https://aws.amazon.com/free/ (amazon free tier)
2. Windows azure free $200 credit (https://azure.microsoft.com/en-us/offers/ms-azr-0044p/)
3. Your own personal IP(Most IP like comcast limit to 250 a day) and do not like abuse,spamming is abuse
so unless your list is opt in do not use your own ip
4. gmx, gmail, hotmail accounts, you can buy these (https://buyaccs.com/en/buy-bulk-hotmail-accounts.php)
These will have the highest inbox rates and even come with free accounts you can test
I personally use http://www.glocksoft.com/ , they have a free edition where you can email out(slowly)
You can search google for a free emailer or use a php script to do it.
in email marketing you want to be direct, they need to fully understand they need to pay
Subject: "Check out escorts in your area"
Message: "We have escort in your area wanting to meet you"
Message: "Skip Dinner and have a Hotel date with the girls below"
Message: "Spend time with a sure thing this Holiday"
Next pick out 3 images from http://hotlocalescorts.com, from actual escorts, if you are using databaseemailer.com you will also have their zip
code so you can pick escorts from their state.
well for a while(Until they kicked me and banned me for life). Dating conversation weren't that high anyway,
so I didn't mind as I was looking for something with greater profit margins.
After Trying, gambling, pharma , I finally found escorting, the only one I tried so far is
(This is a ccbill account so if you already have one you can merge it, otherwise signup for one there)
so if anyone knows any others I should try let me know.
Doing the free method, I only use paid for my amazon ec2(You can get a free account, mine was paid though), I was able to make 77$ over the course of 3 days
off of one mailing of 100,000 emails on a amazon ec2 instance, I could of paid for an mandrill
account and got more out instead I wanted to clean the list first.

(Proof of sales)
Email List:
Free Method:
1. Get the email list, you can get email list from
These tend to have high bounce rate and spam traps so you can also use a site like
2. https://leakforums.net/bans.php?page=447
This is a email list of all banned members, these have less bounce rate, but I found they convert
less(Since they are shady people)
If you are using the free method you need to sample at least 10,000 emails(You will be lucky to get out 2,000)
Paid method:
The bounce rate is as high as 60-70% with these guys but you get first and last name
meaning you can email "<First Name> , Some escort want to meet you", this is a opt-in list
so you can legally solicit.
SMTP Server:
1. https://aws.amazon.com/free/ (amazon free tier)
2. Windows azure free $200 credit (https://azure.microsoft.com/en-us/offers/ms-azr-0044p/)
3. Your own personal IP(Most IP like comcast limit to 250 a day) and do not like abuse,spamming is abuse
so unless your list is opt in do not use your own ip
4. gmx, gmail, hotmail accounts, you can buy these (https://buyaccs.com/en/buy-bulk-hotmail-accounts.php)
These will have the highest inbox rates and even come with free accounts you can test
I personally use http://www.glocksoft.com/ , they have a free edition where you can email out(slowly)
You can search google for a free emailer or use a php script to do it.
in email marketing you want to be direct, they need to fully understand they need to pay
Subject: "Check out escorts in your area"
Message: "We have escort in your area wanting to meet you"
Message: "Skip Dinner and have a Hotel date with the girls below"
Message: "Spend time with a sure thing this Holiday"
Next pick out 3 images from http://hotlocalescorts.com, from actual escorts, if you are using databaseemailer.com you will also have their zip
code so you can pick escorts from their state.