Engagement dropped 50%

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Regular Member
Jul 4, 2015
Reaction score
My acc has 50K followers and now it only has 0.7% - 1.1% likes. That's really a disaster!! One month before, I had 2%-3% likes rate.. Anyone has similar sharply change?

I manually did follow 700-750/day and 1200 likes before.. Now I use Instagress and it does 450 follow and 700likes/day... Is it because of this? or IG changed something?

Mensfashion niche..
somebody mentioned they fixed the problem by stopping botting.
somebody mentioned they fixed the problem by stopping botting.

I'm having the same problem, MAJOR drop in engagement almost overnight. I was using instagress as well but stopped. My engagement has not recovered. Do you have a source or remember where you heard that? I'm really curious if it takes a certain amount of time to recover or if it is not possible to recover. I don't think my images are being shown to all of my followers. I think I'm somehow being throttled but can't find anyone else with the same problem.
I don't think stopping your botting activities will improve your engagement. It will most likely drop or stay in place. Unless you're a big account and growing independently of botting. However, you could improve your engagement by improving the way you use your bots. Re-think your strategy and settings and see what you can improve that would increase your engagement.
I saw an acc over 100K follower's engagement sharply decreased too. We are all based in New York. Maybe IG is doing some new algorithm starting from specific areas or accs...
It drops and rises nowadays it has never been permamnent for me

some days my engagment drops 50% i get like 500 likes on a pic

then the next day i get 2000 again idk what IG is doing but i guess they gonna start censoring certain stuff
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