[mcr];5155471 said:
Are there any reasonable email validation services like BriteVerify? They are extremely expensive. I have a huge list I want to put through a service like that (over 4M emails).
Any suggestions?
I would NOT listen to any user who recommends an external website service after creating an account the day after you post. Max65 is most likely affiliated with EmailAnswers and trying to dupe you into using said email verification services without conducting sufficient market comparison research.
Max65, unless you can explain your short account life, shame on you. (I myself made this new account to call you out; I don't have anything to gain from it, other than preventing a fellow user from getting duped).
What kind of re-tard makes up an account to call someone out? Why not use your real user account?
I have been reading this website for about a year, never registered (no point since I normally never make comments or ask questions), saw his question and decided to register to answer his question and share my experience, which directly relates. To tell you the truth, I couldn't care less what you think, why you think I commented, who you think I'm associated with or whether you use them or not.
How's that for your explanation Inspector Re-tard.
How about the real story is you are from one of these other companies mentioned here, the reason you couldn't use your real username, because we would see your post and recommendation and your trying to throw people off based on B-S. What a clown.