Edit YouTube Module -WP Robot


Junior Member
Mar 18, 2010
Reaction score
I came across a great WP plugin called 'Flash Video Player' It allows you to embed You Tube videos in it's own player.
The best thing about it for me is that doing it this way removes the related videos as well as the click through link to YouTube.

Now I am wondering if this can be incorporated into the YouTube Module in WP Robot 2 ??

To embed the video using the plugin you just use the following code on your post:

[flashvideo file=YOUTUBE LINK /]

The embed part of the youtube module file for WP Robot contains

<embed src="hxxp://w w w. youtube com/v/'.$videoid.'? .....

I am guessing that this could somehow be changed to include the flashvideo code?

I was going to try working it out by trial and error but I thought someone a bit more clued up may be able to point me in the right direction to save some time.

Can anybody help?
ok here is the solution.

you open up the youtube module from your ftp program (you can find it at yourwebsite.com/wp-content/plugins/WPRobot3/modules/ and go to line 157 and use the replace function on your notepad to replace

<object width="'.$options['wpr_yt_width'].'" height="'.$options['wpr_yt_height'].'">
<param name="movie" value="http://www.youtube.com/v/'.$videoid.'?fs=1"></param>
<param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param>
<embed src="http://www.youtube.com/v/'.$videoid.'?fs=1&rel=0" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" width="'.$options['wpr_yt_width'].'" height="'.$options['wpr_yt_height'].'" allowfullscreen="true"></embed>


[flashvideo file=http://www.youtube.com/v/'.$videoid.' /]';

your new posts should show the custom video player.
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Thanks so much for your help. Works Perfectly! I just edited this post as I first put it don't work but then I realised I hadn't changed the settings on the Flash Video plugin!
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Thanks so much for your help. Works Perfectly! I just edited this post as I first put it don't work but then I realised I hadn't changed the settings on the Flash Video plugin!

Which setting?
Thanks so much for your help. Works Perfectly! I just edited this post as I first put it don't work but then I realised I hadn't changed the settings on the Flash Video plugin!

Which setting?
Thanks so much for your help. Works Perfectly! I just edited this post as I first put it don't work but then I realised I hadn't changed the settings on the Flash Video plugin!

Which setting?
Sorry for repeat post, BHW was 'hanging' so pressed the 'submit reply' more than once.
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