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Ebook / courses section in the marketplace

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Elite Member
Executive VIP
Dec 17, 2013
Reaction score
Looks like ebooks became really popular in the past few months, and I think it makes sense that they'll be separated from the rest of the things in the Misc section.

Since this is not a standard 'new subforum' request and the requirement of 50 active recent threads don't really apply to this exact situation (Obviously I can't have access to the threads in the queue, and writing and selling an ebook is not as easy as just opening a thread), I thought I might as well suggest it.
Hmmm I don't know if this is a good idea xD
Same would be the software, so many bots
Doesn't it make sense to separate ebooks and courses from software and bots?
Doesn't it make sense to separate ebooks and courses from software and bots?
I think a way to filter them would be a good idea - it's kinda hard to navigate the Misc section as it is but can also be rewarding as there's a lot of stuff there.

To reiterate if a "Filter by" option could be added to the search this could be sufficient.
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