Easy Way to find Follow Links


Regular Member
Sep 2, 2007
Reaction score
I thought I would share an easy way to find follow links for your sites. A lot of these links have some decent PR and you can find targeted sites to place your links on, so these can help your rankings.

Perform the following search on Google

site:squidoo.com "add to this list", -groups, YourKeywords

This searches squidoo lenses for the Plexo module for lenses related to your keywords. Its not 100% as there are more Plexo modules now than just link Plexo's but it is a very easy way to find a lot of place to get links in a short amount of time. They are Follow links and a lot of them have a page rank on the toolbar so they should help you out.

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Cheers, this could come in very handy, had a quick look for a keyword and can see the benefit of this.
Thanks man...Trying to learn...never tried squidoo before.

Just a Tip: You have to register for this method to work.
Yeah - it seems to require a log in, but this can be easily automated!

Excellent find!

I was thinking of trying to automate this, but there is one problem and that is the different plexo modules that are now available to lenses. I've been looking for a search term where I can just pull out the links plexos and disregard the amazon and video ones, but right now I've not seen exactly how to throw these out of the search results.

Without getting these out its going to be difficult to get an automated method working since the format for these modules are different.
You can easily throw out the amazon and rest with the example url what it shows there what ever it was :)
Wow...this is very good method to find backlinks. Purely whitehat. Thanks.
check the HTML code. they added a nofollow

too good to be true