EASY $10/referral for .EDU emails


Jul 21, 2010
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The app is called "Treats" (Android Play Store) or "Treats by Clinkle" (iOS App Store), and current it's only open to college students because you must have a .edu email address in order to sign up.

You get ten dollars when you sign up for Treats with a code, WQMY536. You do not have to use my code, but you need a code to receive the money. You can put the code in by sliding up on the clear card on the app after registering. You can get more $10s by referring other people with your own code.

The ten dollars can be transferred to your bank account in the app by clicking the money, "Move Money," then moving the slider down.
Thanks pretty interesting used your code =) Is there a limit to # of referrals?


Pay it forward :) My Referral: FYRD856
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There is no limit to the # of referrals, and the only way to get a .edu email address right now is if you are a college student/employee. There used to be a method but it was taken down cause of abuse.
There is actually a method from Maricopa Community Colleges website :)