Earning Too Much On CPA?

Proxy Cake

Elite Member
Feb 28, 2010
Reaction score
Ok so I've been making a lot of money with PPC and CPA. And I've discovered if I make more that $300 with one offer I get blacklisted because 'my leads were low quality' but the thing is I don't know how I could bring any higher quality leads than the ones I'm sending.

So my question is, is there a limit of some sort? And what are the offers that don't have any limits.

Thanks :D
of course there is,

put yourself as the company promoting the offer.

then youll know the answer.
If you are promoting with PPC, I can't see any problem. Have you told them that you are promoting the offers with PPC traffic? Also, 300$ per day or month?

I had times when I made 700$ a day and I didnt had any problem.

Are you using Facebook or Adwords?
The companies always say there is not limit on any of the offers so I was curious.
If you are promoting with PPC, I can't see any problem. Have you told them that you are promoting the offers with PPC traffic? Also, 300$ per day or month?

I had times when I made 700$ a day and I didnt had any problem.

Are you using Facebook or Adwords?

I'm using FB ppc and yeah $300 a day. I can easily make a lot more. Would it be better for me to go through the company promoting the offer rather than the cpa company? So I cut out the middle man?
My advice would be to talk to your AC. I mean, you were blacklisted?

Your AC holds the keys to all the answers. So, just ask him can he verifying why you were blacklisted, and what exactly it is that signify's a "low quality" lead.

There's never a "too much" if what you're doing is completely ethical. The real question I guess is if some of the leads you sent them actually converted. If none of them did and you're earning $300 a day, that would raise suspicion, and put pressure on the companies pockets!

you must be driving low quality traffic, no advertiser is gonna complain about too many good leads unless they have a cap for financial reasons.

Ive had earnings over $2500 in leads from a single offer in a day, and I know people that have done a lot more than that, so Im sure its not that your making too much, it has to be the quality.
Between a good buddy an I, we cleared something like 10-12k on one offer, in one day... so yeah I'd say it comes down to the leads converting/backing out and how deep the advertisers pockets are.
hi bro can u tell me what is that CPA so that we can also make money with that..

thanks in advance
Perhaps it might be an idea to look around at other CPA offers to promote instead / as well as and see if you get the same problem. It could just be the network you're with I suppose. How targeted to your product is the advert you're running on FB? Are you 'scamming' (I can't think of a better word) the user in to clicking on the advert?

Honestly, it surprises me that this is an issue if you are actually converting. May I ask, what CPA network are you with? Or would that give the game away?
There's people making a lot more then $300 a day, if your leads are quality they will be asking you to increase traffic, not blacklist you.
If you have good relationship with your ac then talk with him/her. If you rarely talk with your Ac then sorry brother you are on your own.
I might recommend splitting up the traffic and spreading it around to similar offers on different networks. $300 might raise suspicion if the leads aren't converting.

However, if you spread it around to, say, six networks ... then, they're only seeing $50 a day ... that would help you better stay below the radar.
For some offers, such as email submits, the advertiser wants a certain demographic. I'll assume you're promoting email submits or another lead offer. These are the offers that blacklist the most. If you're promoting to age groups under 25, the conversions on the backend must not be profitable for the advertiser. Also, if you presell the offer wrong, it will get you blacklisted. Let's say you have an email submit offer that credits on the first page and this is your ad copy:
Claim your free apple ipad, all you need to do is enter your email address
That could convert for you, but the backend conversions would be horrible, getting you blacklisted much faster. To avoid the blacklist, include text such as "participation required".
im makingtoo less=(

yesterday 4 leads = 4$
today ZERO leads =0 $

BS. lol
Why don't you just spread your traffic out? I try to spread all my traffic out and not go over 250ish on each offer. Saved me a-lot of issues.