Duplicated article sections


Jun 26, 2022
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Hi so I am doing a lot of blog posts such as "X vs Y" and X vs Z" with the topic X being used in multiple articles. Is it okay for me to copy and past the section about X into multiple blog posts?
Don't take my word for it, but personally I see it as a "thin content" kind of issue, besides the obvious duplicated thing
I would not.

Reword it at least.

Ideally you should focus on specific things in each comparison. That will make it unique.
Hi so I am doing a lot of blog posts such as "X vs Y" and X vs Z" with the topic X being used in multiple articles. Is it okay for me to copy and past the section about X into multiple blog posts?
It's OK to duplicate sections of your own website content, but it's good to add extra (valuable) content for each page/post. It is not considered plagiarism. See my old comments about duplicate content (but put it in your context): https://www.blackhatworld.com/seo/a...tion-xservice-keywords-150-locations.1395809/

Copy content is always an issue even though it is within your website. Rewrite it.
More PBN sellers use articles like that, and more spinners do like this, So AVOID IT....
I get what you're trying to do, but you're confusing mentioning the same information with reusing the same words.

These are not the same.

When you mention the same information, you can use different wording.

But when you are using the same words and you're copying and pasting because of the different comparisons, you run the risk of Google's duplicate content penalty.

As one member mentioned earlier, this can constitute thin content.

It's okay to reuse the same information but make sure you phrase it in such a way that it is unique and fits the context.

You can't just wholesale all pieces of information, maybe one piece needs to be emphasized instead of the others.

You can still mention the others but focus more on the feature or the element that needs to be emphasized.