Down With Paypal!


Junior Member
Nov 1, 2009
Reaction score
If you haven't heard of Dwolla, now is your time to shine! is a payment gateway that charges only $0.25 per transaction NO MATTER THE SIZE! Do you think it'll kill PP? I definitely have high hopes for it.

It's actual goal is to replace Visa, which I also believe is a definite possibility.

If you haven't heard of Dwolla, now is your time to shine! is a payment gateway that charges only $0.25 per transaction NO MATTER THE SIZE! Do you think it'll kill PP? I definitely have high hopes for it.

It's actual goal is to replace Visa, which I also believe is a definite possibility.


u can use this with ebay?
I just recently started using Dwolla and am very happy with the relationship Dwolla currently has with its users. One of the larger products I am working on right now will be accepting Dwolla in preference over PayPal or Google Checkout.

Happy to say they are from the state as myself.
I have read article abt this guy.It is really amazing. I dont want to big biz with paypal anymore.Lets hope a real competitor will come along.looks promising.