Domain name only value


Regular Member
Nov 11, 2011
Reaction score
I own which is 1300 searches per month i guess. It's pretty nice domain name but it's an .info so i don't know if it worths something.

Should i try my chance on flippa or it doesn't worth anything?
That's a hard one. I dont think most people are crazy about .info and the name is kind of long. Although it's a EMD. You would probably do the best by building out the site and ranking it. Then try and sell it on flippa.
It is worth its domain price only in my opinion.
On flippa we get best offers based on income and traffic we get.If we have good amount of traffic or income then we can make good money using it.
have you tried valuate or estibot? Anyway, good domains have 4-7 letters. yours is too long man. Try betting on smaller ones.
dont waste your money on listing it on flippa, instead list it on DP , atleast you wont have to pay for listing fees