does Temp disabling account help?


Oct 22, 2019
Reaction score
I read in very old threads that you could do this to reset your trust score and to increase engagement (since Instagram will show your first post to all your followers if you've been gone for a while)

What's your experience with this? I have a dying fashion account that I want to convert to a personal fashion account and I think this might help to revive it
I read in very old threads that you could do this to reset your trust score and to increase engagement (since Instagram will show your first post to all your followers if you've been gone for a while)

What's your experience with this? I have a dying fashion account that I want to convert to a personal fashion account and I think this might help to revive it

I just recovered a banned account and engagement is threw the roof. That lets me know Instagram is adding permanent shadow bans to accounts. Now im getting view of 2000-3000 per story which i never ever had before getting the account banned some years ago.
I just recovered a banned account and engagement is threw the roof. That lets me know Instagram is adding permanent shadow bans to accounts. Now im getting view of 2000-3000 per story which i never ever had before getting the account banned some years ago.
Wait, I was talking about manually disabling an account. Not having instagram banning you.

But you're saying that you think you were shadowbanned prior to Instagram banning you and then once you recovered your account everything was normal? Interesting
Wait, I was talking about manually disabling an account. Not having instagram banning you.

But you're saying that you think you were shadowbanned prior to Instagram banning you and then once you recovered your account everything was normal? Interesting

No the account got banned for one copyright photo, Prior to this it getting banned everything was working including hash tags, But now after recovering the account showed me they are adding permanent shadow bans causing the engagement loss not matter how long you wait. I know its weird but a couple guys in whatsapp group said they noticed the same. So i think possibly temporarily disabling the account may remove the permanent shadow ban
No the account got banned for one copyright photo, Prior to this it getting banned everything was working including hash tags, But now after recovering the account showed me they are adding permanent shadow bans causing the engagement loss not matter how long you wait. I know its weird but a couple guys in whatsapp group said they noticed the same. So i think possibly temporarily disabling the account may remove the permanent shadow ban
Gotcha. Well fingers crossed! I disabled my account and hopefully this will work. How long do you think it'd need to be disabled for?
Gotcha. Well fingers crossed! I disabled my account and hopefully this will work. How long do you think it'd need to be disabled for?
I tired one day didn't have any effect, I would try a week. Im going to try a month on a dead account and see what happens.
I just recovered a banned account and engagement is threw the roof. That lets me know Instagram is adding permanent shadow bans to accounts. Now im getting view of 2000-3000 per story which i never ever had before getting the account banned some years ago.

I’ve had a similar experience.

Also had an account banned some time ago whilst testing and bouncing around between lots of different proxies of varying quality.

When I got the account back and ever since engagement has been considerably improved.