Does like jacking is still working ?


Junior Member
Aug 12, 2013
Reaction score
i am looking for the best faceboook likejacker available now, and what are the best settings(minimum page age or likes) to avoid the confirmation pop up ? is it possible to close that pop up immediately with javascript ?
There is one in marketplace by shezboy heard good things about it.
I use shezboys likejacker. It seems to work. My blog doesn't get a whole ton of traffic so I don't get many likes a day.
thanks,but it is only for wordpress
and what about the like confirmation pop up ?
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i heard tho that in the long run youll end up of problems with your fb page being unpublished
not sure if it still would happen
There is one in marketplace by shezboy heard good things about it.

Thanks :)

I use shezboys likejacker. It seems to work. My blog doesn't get a whole ton of traffic so I don't get many likes a day.

Thanks :)

yeah, his likejacker works great.

Thanks :)

i heard tho that in the long run youll end up of problems with your fb page being unpublished
not sure if it still would happen

I have been Like Jacking for a loooong time and never had an issue from FB due to the fact I use the Like Jackers settings correctly to keep things off the FB radar.

FB isn't stupid, it knows that Like Jacking goes on and it also knows that people can use Like Jacking in the same way they can use negative SEO and that's pretty good news for us because that means FB is less likely to ban your FB page and close your account because they can't prove if it's you or someone else sending jacked Likes to your FB pages.

What they tend to do when they detect something dodgy going on is to block the website that is doing the Like Jacking from being able to send any more Likes to FB pages. When that happens it's no great shakes because you can simply 301 your websites traffic to a new website where you have installed the Jacker and carry one as normal Like Jacking your traffic :)
