Does keyword quantity in linkbuilding affect Seo?


Registered Member
Jun 13, 2012
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So does quantity or Density - w.e it's called in backlinking of each keyword, eg:
Marketing - sentence, Marketing - another sentence.. Affect Seo?
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Actually keyword density affects SEO. It depends on what types of link you are building. According to google rules it is not more than 3%.
There is no google rules about kw density.. Just get your kw on the title, h1 and in you content, but you would better uses many related words (LSI) than keyword stuffing your page..
ya its correct in article dont use the same KW more time its look spammy...

Use the long tail KW's that is nature looking to google.Dont stuff the KW in 1 article
It is mentioned in many sources that keyword density shouldn't exceed 1-3%, so for a 400 words article it's okay to use the keyword 4-5 times. Otherwise, if you stuff the article with a keyword and overuse it, Google will consider this as a spammy activity, and the consequences of this are well-known.
Also, it's better to put the most of keywords at the beginning of the article and use them in meta descriptions, tags and titles, because this way the keywords are filtered better by Google.
However, I believe that keyword density is not something to be measured precisely, because this is rather indicative. The main rule I rely on is not to overuse the keyword and locate it in strategically important parts of the text.
I read somewhere about having 1-2% keyword density in one content.