I purchased the domain yesterday.
lol. are you even indexed?
as i posted before google prefers geo domains..
but second come all general domains. including .com, .org, .net and .info.
for seo it doesn`t matter.. its just the humans who value a .info lower..
its asociated with spam a lot, and anyone who wants to build a longterm site and wants to brand it uses a .com.
just because of the fact that if people hear a url, the automaticly asociate it with .com.
when people try to find your website again for a second visit, they always try the .com version first, its just programmed into their brain..
people may remember the domain, but they don`t remember the extension... it automaticly turns .com in their mind. because thats the standard...
which actually is quite remarkable..
the rest of the world associate their country extension to a domain first.. in my case .nl.. but US people associate webadresses with .com first.. while .US is the TLD for the USA..
and if you want to rank your site in the USA serps, the .US tld actually is your best option because its geo targeted, and ranked better by google..
but nobody seems to notice that and blindly take .com everytime.
ok, a .com will rank worldwide, and a .us wont. but most marketers aim for us only anyway and asian traffic is useless to them. so why bother with a generic domain like .com or .org..
.info is just as good as .com for ranking.
but a geo targeted domain is even better.