Does google local business site ranking policy have changed?


Junior Member
Jun 24, 2012
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I have verified local business page and my site was ranking on first place along with listing on the right side of the search result page for the keywords that are related to my local business. As you know, the people that are listed in google business, google will auto rank you website that is associated with you google business page on the first place and under the site url will be a phone number for contact. And also will show picture and map on the right side of the search result page for your business page.

Recently i checked the rankings of my site for my local business keywords and the listing for my business that is on the right side of the search result page is there but my site is on the fourth page now. Did google made recently some changes in their local business ranking policy?
Are you optimizing your site to rank on google , creating backlinks to it ?
Are you optimizing your site to rank on google , creating backlinks to it ?

That's the point. When my business page was verified by google and i linked my website to my business page the website went straight to the first place for the keywords related to my business page name without any optimization or backlinks.
Analyze the sites on page one and replicate. Also Citations, Citations, citations.....oh yeah did I mention Citations.