Does Facebook Farming still works?


Junior Member
Nov 18, 2019
Reaction score
I tried with multiple types of facebook accounts using anti fingerprint browser + 4g proxy + running cookies before login. farmed 2fa pva accs and page, bought farmed pva facebook account, both range from 3 to 5 years, rented real user facebook as well. all these accounts doesn't make much differences when running gaming ads. Some accounts which i thought will last longer, got restricted within few days, some of those accounts i didnt expect to last more than a month.
Ps: i would say 90% of the restricted ads, arent related to gaming policy.
Gaming or Gambling? I'm pretty sure gaming is not the issue.
Yep fb policy and restrictions are unpredictable sometimes
FB sometimes plays fast and loose with it's own policies and what they consider as content going against it so you can't always tell if something still works since you also need to consider for how long it will stay working.
If gaming campaign > I think the problem comes from your proxy IP
if gambling > check your link/creatives, better use cloak link
Anyway facebook scan day by day, get used to it =)) try to keep it last for 15-30 days is good enough