Does Coupons have special terms and conditions ??


Jun 2, 2012
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I have seen different coupons for godaddy to register domain at cheap rates. One coupon was there to register the domain for .99 cents but does this coupons have any special terms and conditions ?

Can we transfer these cheaply registered domains to other registrars any time ?
You can read the terms and conditions associated with each of godaddy's coupons on their websites. Even websites that list such coupons do advise what conditions you would have to adhere with.
There is a time limit of 60 days that you have to wait, to transfer a domain to a new registrar. I don't think that there is any other terms that been applied if you are using a discount coupon.
like hpasha said coupons are discounts codes that are valid in a period of time only and then expire, each coupon will have some conditions, in order to be valid for hosting purpose for example, it may be valid only one time on your account or it may be valid only in one service like vps and not domains etc, you should read the conditions if there is any