Does anyone use a VPS with im software on it?


Regular Member
Mar 22, 2010
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Is anyone using a VPS with IM software already on it. I have seen this at other black hat forums, but those forums are all cheesy compared to BHW.

Is this service out there and is it being offered by a reliable organization?

What is BHW Vip statue all about? BHW is without rival in the black hat forum world.
I used once BHT but it turned out sucks. So I wouldn't recommended them and most of those service provide cracked tools anyway.
What about

Are they cheesy too.
I use BHS VPS. I ended up just buying the software i needed and putting it on a poweruphosting VPS though, theyre faster and the BHS VPS restrictions suckk
what about extremeseotools, are they good at service ?
PUH VPS always worked for me but its totally worth it just too purchase the IM tools instead of getting one with it installed. Make sure if you get a VPS get a 1000/MBps port instead of the 100/MBps.
BHTD aka Megafastservers: terrible support, most tools not working most of the time, VPS instances go down all the time and are overcrowded

ExtremeSEO: haven't tried

BUT: ditto

BHSVPS: limited tools but they ALWAYS work including Xrumer, VPS usually up & downtime is usually planned and users notified. Recently they've relaxed their user restrictions to allow user installed software (must be approved by admins of server though)

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I was on a VPS w/ all the bells a whistles and felt stupid trying to learn 3-4 complex tools at $50 a month. Most of my month was spent clicking buttons then "naw better not do that yet" thoughts.

Just started RMX recommended from here 2 days ago for what it's worth...
You will have low success because the same license is installed on more vps from same network