Does anyone have good free resources to recommend to learn CPA?


Registered Member
Feb 5, 2015
Reaction score
Hi all,
Well, I made my first 1.44 from CPA in 3 days, but my website got shut down by my free host, so I need to put it back up elsewhere. Anyway it was only a 2-page website, really crappy so it doesn't matter.
I'm looking to get into CPA more seriously. I looked at CPAelite and CPAhero but I didn't even get the confirmation message in my inbox for CPAhero so pretty bad right? :)

I was wondering what you would recommend to a complete beginner who is currently registered with CPAlead.
I mean I'm not completely stupid, I can setup lockers (that's easy enough to understand). I just need good advice to increase conversions, get traffic, choose a niche...
I've been looking for threads on BHW but it seems CPA is not such a big topic here.

Are there good ebooks I could... ahem... get? Something else?
Thanks :)
I suggest affbuzz. And test some traffic adword or infolinks
I also need info on this trying to find a way to make some online money, not easy money, but a way of working online and getting revenue.
I was wondering what you would recommend to a complete beginner .

CPA is a great way to earn money online.BUT, there is work involved.You can't get it done,that easily.

Still i shall give you some brief points to it.

1. Find a good offer that you think should convert.
2. Buy a Domain name .Make a post related to the offer. (You might want to make some content lockers)
3. Find related places to leave your backlink - Blogs, News sites etc etc that relates to the offer, and write a comment that's relevant, and put your URL in there.
4. Use youtube,reditt,delicious,StumbleUpon etc to bookmark your site and grab the traffic that converts.

I've been looking for threads on BHW but it seems CPA is not such a big topic here.

I strongly advise you to check the below links,to learn more.Never complain about a system,just because you don't know how to use it.

Hope this helps

It's all about research and data mining.

Try a lot of methods and stick to the ones that work best.