Do you work on weekends?


Registered Member
Dec 9, 2007
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Since I'm from a third world country all days are Mondays' for me. I was working all days when I was making lots of money and still do after penguin. I take break only when I absolutely need it.

Would you work on weekends on your business even if you are not earning sufficiently? Just curious to know mentality of people from developed countries :)
Well IMO it all depends on how much you need that extra cash or what you need it for.
Personally i work 7 days a week before i started making any money and now still work 7 days a week now i am making decent money. Also what i do online for me does not really feel like work anymore as i actually really do enjoy it.
I'm a 7 day, 14 - 18 hours a day type person :D
I work whenever I want to or whenever I need money.
There are a lot of myths about people from "developed Countries" just as there are a lot of myths about people from "third world" Countries. I've worked with people from all over the world and let me assure you that things are shit everywhere.

Work routines are something taught at a very young age and displayed through adulthood. I know people that don't have two dimes to rub together but spend all their time on FB. I can show them how to make $1000 a week using their computer to make money but they're not interested or only interested until they realize it's work.

On contrary, I know people that are millionaires (real ones) that get up every morning to go through dumpsters and walk down the road to pick up aluminum cans for scrap redemption. One such person is my ex-wife's Grandfather. He was newly married when the Great Depression hit (1930s) and it scared him for life. He has millions in the bank, wears farmer's coveralls almost everyday and can tell you the scrap value of about any metal you can imagine. He as stacks of spiral notebooks detailing his whole working life. Every dollar he's every made is in those notebooks.

I learned a lot about rich people from my ex-wife's side of the family but all in all, either you're a hard worker regardless of finances or you're a slouch regardless of finances. I've found money, or lack thereof doesn't have much bearing on work ethics. There are rich lazy people and there are rich hard working people. Although it's difficult to find a broke hard working person =)
KVM hit it on the spot with people growing up during the depression.

Honestly, I'd work every day given the chance. I like challenges, trial and error is fun for me. The only problem is there's always hang ups, usually waiting on content or someone to free something up.
I work on weekends but for the preparation of work for the rest of the week.
I enjoy working, i would call it my "job" , so ye I work on weekends.
Well, I guess it depends on what you call 'work'. I mean, yeah I do 'work' on weekends, but in my eyes it's not exactly 'work'. I'm online most of the time anyways due to other commitments I'm envolved with, so I do my 'work' when and whenever I want, and if it so happens to be on the weekends so be it.

I'd prefer to be doing 'work' on the weekends from the comfort of my own home, than actually doing real work, for a boss somewhere else i.e. the city.

Remember, the hustle don't stop.
Yeah I don't see it as a job but I have workers that do all my main work for me. I outsource straight away so I can choose not to work when I like.
To be honest I work whenever I want to, and that's why I love IM. So, yes, sometimes I do work on weekends.

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7 days a week, up at 7am and sleep at 2am. I'm not always working on my projects, I have a life as well but when it comes to internet marketing, there's no balance in life, you need to make the best out of it. A business isn't as easy as people make it to be.

Work hard, play hard.