My experience is that Pinterest is an accumulative thing. The more followers you have (and the more followers they have) means your pins get much more exposure.
For examople when I was just starting out, I couldn't push much traffic. Now I have 2400+ followers, and sometmnes my pins will get repinned 200+ times (ocassionally 300 to 600 times) When this happens I get 20 to 60 or more people to my site if the pin is for that purpose. Most of my pins are to pad my pin count and gain fllowers, I keep the marketing ones at a minimum. People will quit following if you constantly push marketing at them.
Also, dont go in and post 50 things in succession. This floods your followers boards so that all they see is your stuff, and they will stop following you because you are stopping them from seeing other people they follow. Took me a while to figure that one out. Now I never post more than 10 pins in any hour's time.
Another tip is to use a plugin for your browers, and watch for things to pin as you do our daily travels on the net. You are much more likely to be the source of a pin that way, instead of pinning something that has already been pinned.
You should to have a board for tatoos, lingerie, and sexy dresses (and shoes if you are into that). These boards sem to attract a lot of attention. Remember that Pinterest is a female dominated platform, pin plenty of things that will interest them.
The key for me was to get about 20 boards with around 20 or 25 pins each before people started following me. People started following me a lot more when I crossed the 300 followers mark too.
I use link collider to get more followers, and every time anyone follows one of my boards, repins or likes my pin, I go follow all their boards. Many times they will follow all mine back. You especially want to follow all the boards of anyone with 50 or more followers. If they follow your boards and repin anything, their 50 followers will see the pin they repined.
In addition to following everyone who likes or repins my pins, I follow all boards I find that belongs to anyone who has more than 25 followers.
Unlike a lot of people, I just use one account.