Do bold keywords really help in SEO?


Regular Member
Dec 30, 2009
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I was told making keywords bold, and using H1 tags and stuff like that are good for your site and help with rankings. Is this true?

Although using keywords in H1 tag definitely works well, using keyword in Bold for boost in ranking is actually a misconception. A better way is to use <strong> tag instead of <bold> tag. Bold tag is for the visitors, Strong tag is for both the visitors as well as the search engine crawlers. The only thing is, you have to make sure that <strong> or for that matter <bold> tag are not overused.
yeah definitely.on-page seo is important and will always remain important as that is something which appeals to the readers.Imagine no headings and no sub-headings in an article.wouldn't that be a little boring?SEs take that into account.But just do not make sure that you do not look like spamming the hell out of your blog .... like do not drop the target key phrase in h1,h2,h3 etc,.you could also try using LSI keywords in some of the headings.

For LSI[if suppose you do not know yet]:
search for:~keyword
...and once G and others start community-based ranking, which is already being tested sort of, you're in trouble... because if you write your keywords or other stuff in bold in the middle of sentences might be irritating for many readers :)
Wow interesting thanks for all the replies. Will definitely put this info to good use!
I bold and h1 tags but I'm not positive it makes that much of a difference. When you check it with seomoz, you can see that it gets checked however I don't really think its a big factor.
Bold, underlined, different from the rest of the text, H1 tags, even meta tags if not excessively done. Most important kw density, as well as link structure related to keyword and secondary keywords.
yes bold or strong words help. also italics helps out. but dont try and make the page look spammy just repeating the keywords over and over and over again theres still a user side to the website