Division of competitors


Junior Member
Aug 5, 2019
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How do you choose your site's competitors? Do you prefer to categorize them into niche and broad competitors? For example, there are certain phrases with which we share the podium with other websites, but we are not directly related or only one of our services matches...
Use a tool to find your competitors like ahrefs and semrush.
Ahrefs is more accurate then semrush.
You wanna find competition based on the keywords you are ranking or the keywords you wanna rank if it's a new site.
You can identify your competitors using tools like SEMrush, sorting them based on their rankings for the keywords you target in your niche.
There are really 3 baskets in which competitors fall into.

They're the direct competitors, the indirect competitors, and the accidental competitors.

Direct competitors are people who are doing exactly what you're doing.

A lot of the times, when you reverse engineer their keywords, you will get access to the same eyeballs that they are targeting.

Indirect competitors are within the same range of choices as your target customers or end users, but they are not offering the exact same thing as you are offering.

You have to be more careful in reverse-engineering these because there has to be clear enough communication of the value their content is offering.

Otherwise, you're just wasting your time targeting the indirect competitor keywords.

There are accidental competitors, and what I mean by "accidental" is that are fast-rising or in new niches that people haven't thought of as your competitors.

The key here is to look at the interest that they draw from your end users.

You have to be a little bit more creative here and think outside the box.

But if you're able to do this right, you can get a head start on your actual direct competitors, and this can mean all the difference.
The choice of competitors for analysis normally begins with the identification of direct and indirect competitors. Direct competitors are those who provide the same products or services, or target a similar audience, like you. They can be direct competitors, belonging to the same set of keywords or audience segments.
How do you choose your site's competitors? Do you prefer to categorize them into niche and broad competitors? For example, there are certain phrases with which we share the podium with other websites, but we are not directly related or only one of our services matches...
It is simple as just pick competitors who use similar keywords and then group them into niche and broad categories to see how they compare to your business
When analyzing my competitors, I divide them into 2 categories: "Direct" and "Indirect." Then, using professional SEO tools, I research their strategy. I find out what keys they promote, how much traffic they receive for these keys, and what positions they hold.
Choosing your Competitors Involves various Factors like Relevancy, Target Audience etc.. Companies or Websites that offer Similar Products or services to yours. They are in same Target Audience and Operate in the same Niche .
When picking your site's competitors, look at both niche and broader ones. Check out those that use similar search terms or offer similar services to understand where you stand in the market.
In identifying your site competitors, it is essential to understand the landscape and strategically analyze it directly and indirectly, and with tools like Ahrefs, you can find the competitors for your site niches and keywords.
  • Direct competitors are doing the same niche and targeting a similar audience.
  • Indirect competitors are doing different niches but still satisfy the same users.
  • Finding Competitors:
    • Manually search-relevant keywords related to your niche to find competitors and observe which sites rank highest for those keywords.
    • The audience overlaps by identifying websites that share the most audience with your site, where these sites target similar keywords and attract a similar audience. So, analyze their content, backlink profiles, and strategies.