Distribute Rebranded PLR E-Book - Where Can I Do This?


Junior Member
Jan 12, 2015
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Hey guys.

So Im trying to generate traffic by distributing an e-book that provides information that would entice readers to want to learn more. I have my website linked in the ebook that offers them more information by opting in. What are the best ways to mass distribute this book?

Media Fire?

I would also like to see how many have downloaded the ebook as well.

Any help would be great!
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Forums, I would say. Find forums in your niche, create accounts, help the others members, then say you found a great FREE ebook and that they can download with this link.

Or, find someone with a twitter account in your niche with a lot of followers, and pay him to promote your ebook (work with Facebook too). Look at Fiverr and seoclerk (or here)

Or, find a blog in your niche and ask to the blogger to make a review of your ebook with a donwload link in the post. Same thing: look at Fiverr, seoclerk (or here)

And to see how many have downloaded the ebook, use bitlink or goo.gl.
Yeah, I was thinking this as well. I was wanting to upload to a number of torrent sites, and label my book with some clickbait so I can get some DLs.

I was also thinking on amazon, but Im pretty damn sure that my plr would be taken down lol. Plus, links dont work to well with pdfs on mobile devices.