Disgustingly Awesome Method - Solo Ad Sales Leech

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Junior Member
Jan 12, 2015
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Hello BHW members, and thanks for opening my clickbait.

Why do I call this Solo Ad Sales Leech?

Because you are leeching off the list of another provider.

Let's get down to the basic strategy:

  1. Find a good solo ad provider that converts for you. The one I am working with now provided me buyer's traffic, so I saw about a 70% ROI with his list. Also, make sure it's cheap. I know, it may be hard to find, but split test with different providers and choose one to your liking
  2. This step is completely optional, but it will cover your ass if it is discovered. Let the provider know that you wish to provide him more customers by selling them as your own solo-ads. The first provider I contacted was stoked. He didn't give a rat's ass what my plan was, and was all for it, so I'm good, and won't piss of a good provider.
  3. Make your own solo-ad website. You need testimonials in order to sell you ads. Testimonies=EASY sales. Using friends, or maybe Facebook accounts that you made, give yourself some testimonies. Get a few testimonies spread out once a day, and watch people start asking you about solo ads. Direct them to your site, in which I personally wrote around the phrase "my list", and instead said "Provide you with a high quality solo-ad, blah blah blah). I even added a privacy policy that explains what I do on my page, and no one fucking reads that shit. The last 700 visitors to my site have never clicked on my privacy policy.
  4. Raise your cost per visit up by .15 a visitor. Say for example your provider gives 100 clicks for 45 dollars. Your site will sell those clicks for 60.
  5. Re-direct your emails from the buyers to your provider, and obviously pay your provider. Now you just made 15 bucks off sending an e-mail to your provider.
  6. Use that money and dump into higher quality solo-ads for your own squeeze page. Passive income turned into even more passive income, how fun!

Just to clarify, I have just set this up myself, so I will update with results if I get any. If I get caught by others, I'll be flamed and won't be able to sell solo-ads, but I honestly don't give a shit, I'm just giving this a test run.
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Here's an update guys.

I just received my first customer within hours of using 1 fake testimonial. Now I should start getting legit testimonials, and My fucking paypal will start overloading with sales.

Quickest 15 bucks ever, and my provider Im giving sales to is equally stoked. It's a win-win for everyone.
Sorry, maybe I'm misunderstanding but how could you ever possibly audit this method?

You're completely relying on the guy you're reselling for and his own honesty. Big mistake. The most profitable ad campaigns for all parties are the ones that run for years on end. Why would they pay a middle man after the first or second media buy?

I may have missed something but I don't think so.

My spam-spidey senses are tingling... are you selling an eBook perhaps?
Sorry, maybe I'm misunderstanding but how could you ever possibly audit this method?

You're completely relying on the guy you're reselling for and his own honesty. Big mistake. The most profitable ad campaigns for all parties are the ones that run for years on end. Why would they pay a middle man after the first or second media buy?

I may have missed something but I don't think so.

My spam-spidey senses are tingling... are you selling an eBook perhaps?

Because the buyer believes Im providing him clicks with my own list, while in reality I'm just using the money the buyer paid to me, to buy him a solo ad at a cheaper price, hence the profit. Sorry for trying to contribute to this community, but I'm not trying to profit off anyone here. This is supposed to be a place to share ideas, but I'm okay with you calling me out, even after I explained almost exactly how to do it so that a monkey can emulate it. I see no need in an ebook, otherwise I would have been vauge.

And yes, there are risks involved. Just like everything in life. My provider decides to burn me, he loses the surplus of sales I give him, so I don't see the appeal in fucking me over. If he does, oh well. Pick myself up, eat the loss, and move on.

But I am in a good mood, so I'll tell you how to turn 27 dollars into 10k in 7 days.

Just visit this site and youre golden.

Your welcome. Ill turn this into an ebook if you guys need it.
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This is a good simple method to use. I don't get what's wrong with relying on a provider to resell his services. It's nothing to him, you're giving him the value that he placed on the product, and as long as he gets his money, he should really have no problem.
I'm really getting my feet wet in reselling, but the way I've done it in the past, is to always test the service/product first and know what I'm talking about. No point selling SEO for example if you don't know shit about it.
BUT saying that, Google is your best friend, you can always bullshit a customer.
OP just took the fundamental rule of business and applied it to solo ads. Good stuff.
You need testimonials in order to sell you ads. Testimonies=EASY sales. Using friends, or maybe Facebook accounts that you made, give yourself some testimonies. Get a few testimonies spread out once a day, and watch people start asking you about solo ads. Direct them to your site

I don't really understand this part, where are you putting the testimonials to direct them your site. I imagined the testimonials would be on the site that you're selling the solo ads. If you could elaborate that would be awesome as this method sounds pretty solid. Thanks!
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